
Made514, Continuum, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 101x62


From 26 Novembre 2016 to 14 Gennaio 2017


Place: MAGMA gallery

Address: via Santo Stefano 164

Times: Thursday and Friday 03-07pm; Saturday 11am-01pm / 02.30pm-07.30pm

Telefono per informazioni: +39 380 767 5718

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MAGMA gallery is glad to invite you to the opening of Made514 solo show, on Saturday November 26th from 6.30pm onwards.
Made514 (Alberto Capozzi, Padova, 1975) is one of the most important names of Italian graffiti writing.
His great public works, realized around the world for over twenty years, tell his unique style: soft shapes, sharp lines, instinctive and dynamic drippings, in which the letters and the figures are disassembled and reassemble again in timeless pictorial fragments.
Simultaneously with the large murals, Made514 deepens along his path, and successfully, the pictorial and sculptural technique, researching and developing a free and tireless experimentation with materials. The ability to express himself through different artistic languages, maintaining clear and strong the unique characteristics of his style, so recognizable and appreciated, making him one of the most important figures of the Italian Urban Art.
The exhibition features new works of the artist; among them the beautiful sculpture "Fingers feeling memories", which can be considered the first example of a new creative path. The sinuous shapes of his paintings seem in fact to be held and compressed in the sculptural material. The effect is incredibly vibrant, which produces a dynamic tension, centrifugal.
For the first time will be presented to the public the works on very particular marble slabs; a new surface, a material that the artist has chosen to express himself, to write and tell thanks to a few fluids features his typical anthropomorphic figures and surreal characters. Also important is the site-specific installation that will realize Made514 in the main room of the gallery, a work that radically declares his artistic origins but at the same time, once again highlights the Artist's ability to evolve, experimenting with techniques and completely new solutions that will surely surprise the audience.
It will be presented also the amazing works on steel; from the dark background of the panels seems to emerge enigmatic and mysterious figures, described by a gestural painting, equally refined and explosive at the same time.
His works have been exhibited in the major events in Italy and abroad, among these La Biennale di VeneziaMuseion in Bolzano, Stroke Art Fair in Munich, Ayden Gallery in Vancouver. In 2016 he has been selected from the Mart of Rovereto Education section for Street Area cycle.