Misplaced | a project by Tellas/Ciredz

Tellas, Around you, 2016, Ink on paper, 30x30cm


From 27 Gennaio 2017 to 18 Marzo 2017


Place: MAGMA gallery

Address: via S. Stefano 164

Telefono per informazioni: +39 380 767 5718

E-Mail info: info@magma.gallery

Official site: http://www.magma.gallery

MAGMA gallery is glad to invite you to the opening of the exhibition Misplaced – a project by Tellas/Ciredz, on January 27, 2017, from 7 pm onwards.
In addition to the display of a series of unreleased artworks, the gallery will exhibit a great installation in the main hall, created with recycled materials. The aim will be that of representing, in a powerful and evocative way, both the geographical and spiritual disorientation, and the twisting of the comforting relationship between man and nature.
The collaboration between Tellas and Ciredz is anything but new; in 2015, the two artists worked side by side on the project Becoming Marni, realizing a great number of public murals and installations in Sergipe, Brazil. This project was presented at the 56th Venice Biennale, with the documentary "A grande terra do Sertão”.
Misplaced tells us about changes: the environmental ones, irreversible transformations caused by man; the spiritual ones, which transmute all our intimate points of reference; and, not the least, the geographical ones, turning man into a wayfarer, lost in a boundless world. Nevertheless, Tellas and Ciredz’s enigmatic and silent artworks, intrinsically conceal an organic, bright and lively substance. Behind Ciredz’s apparently arid cements, we can glimpse a rebirth. His stylized labyrinth, made on paper, emanates the growing traces of a new dynamic force which leads us to new worlds, in which loosing ourselves becomes a new source of wonder.
Tellas’ artworks, instead, by means of their elements’ centrifugal force and their instinctual splashes of colors, remind us that the actual chaos, the ongoing revolution of our horizons, will be followed by a new calmness. The light between his tangled skeins of signs, seems to be one of the central elements of his new research. Unexplored streets and lands hide behind dashing and quivering natural elements. For this exhibition, concrete and paper are the predominant materials, alongside with few canvases. The poverty and purity of these two dissimilar materials mark out Misplaced, narrating visions of a new society to the visitor and, extensively, to humankind.
Symbols, signs, graffiti seem to be generated by nature itself, representing the eternal mutability of the relation between mankind and its environment.

Tellas (Cagliari, 1985) In 2015 The Urban Contemporary Art Guide, curated by Graffiti Art Magazine, listed him as one of the 100 best international emerging artists. In 2014 the Huffington Post USA included him among the 25 most interesting international artists.

Ciredz (Cagliari, 1981), is one of the most innovative artists of Italian urban abstract art. His works have been appreciated in numerous exhibitions and national and international events, such as Katowice Street Art Festival in Poland, Muu Festival in Croatia, Asalto Festival and US Barcelona in Spain, and the well-known Village Underground Wall in London.
Opening times during the Artweek:
Thursday 26.01.2017 Preview from 3pm to 8pm
Friday 27.01.2017 from 11am to 9pm | Opening party at 7pm Saturday 28.01.2017 from 11am to 12am | Art White Night Sunday 29.01.2017 from 11am to 7pm