Entering the Labyrinth

© Ph. Dario Tettamanzi | Grande parete con portale di Ingresso nel labirinto, Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Milano


From 23 Marzo 2016 to 31 Gennaio 2017


Place: Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro

Address: via Vigevano 9

Ticket price: intero € 8, soci MART e TCI singolo € 5, gruppo (max 8 persone) € 40. Gratuito per i soci della Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro

E-Mail info: info@fondazionearnaldopomodoro.it

Official site: http://www.fondazionearnaldopomodoro.it

From March 2016 to January 2017, the Fondazione will be organising an extensive series of appointments, with guided tours open to everyone, to discover Arnaldo Pomodoro’s great work, Entering the Labyrinth.
The environment – ca. 170 sqm – was begun in 1995 for an exhibition in the Marconi Gallery in Milan and later found its permanent location in the underground spaces of the ex Riva Calzoni building at 35 via Solari, previously the Foundation’s exhibition centre and now the Milanese headquarters of Fendi.
Inaugurated at the end of 2011, Entering the Labyrinth not only marks one of the most important stages of Arnaldo Pomodoro’s artistic career, but is also one of Milan’s most secret and fascinating places. 
Didactic activities curated by Franca Zuccoli e Chiara Monetti