Homo sapiens. The new histories of human evolution

MUDEC Museo delle Culture, Milano (esterno)


From 30 Settembre 2016 to 26 Febbraio 2017


Place: Mudec - Museo delle Culture

Address: via Tortona 56

Times: Monday 02.30pm-07.30pm; Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 09.30am-07.30pm; Thursday and Saturday 09.30am-10.30pm

Ticket price: 12 € Full, 10 € Reduced, 8 € Special reduced, 10 € Groups, 6 € Schools, 3 € Pre-schools (kids from 3 to 6 years old)

Telefono per informazioni: +39 02 54917

E-Mail info: info@mudec.it

Official site: http://www.mudec.it

The exhibition tells the history of humanity through a great multidisciplinary panorama: a project involving many countries and international institutions.
The exhibition Homo sapiens shows visitors everything that we have always wanted to know and that history and geography can teach us about the world we live in and ourselves.
Two hundred thousand years ago Homo sapiens started out from a small valley in what is now Ethiopia on the journey that has led him to colonize the whole planet and to live with other human species, thus producing that great variety of populations and cultures we know today. 
An international team of scientists from different disciplines worked together to draw the great historico-geographical map of the migrations that led to the global spread of modern man.
Geneticists, linguists, anthropologists and paleoanthropologists have pooled the results of their researches to create a wonderful panorama of the history of human evolution. The end product is a multimedia and interactive international exhibition, whose six sections recount the stories and adventures linked to the extraordinary displacements – many are still unknown – that have created the mosaic of human diversity.