Martin Bogren: Italia

© Martin Bogren


From 29 Marzo 2017 to 15 Aprile 2017


Place: Micamera - lens based arts

Address: via Medardo Rosso 19

Telefono per informazioni: +39 02 4548 1569

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Between 2013 and 2015, Swedish photographer Martin Bogren travelled extensively through Italy – particularly in Naples, Palermo, Rome – creating a lyrical, timeless black-and-white body of work. As Sean O’Hagan wrote on The Guardian In a way…Italia is an interrogation of street photography.
Partly exhibited at the Fotografia Festival in Rome in 2016, this body of work has been released in 2016 by Swedish publisher Max Ström Bokförlaget.

Been walking around aimlessly for days now. Street after street. With a heavy heart, and loneliness as a constant companion. I’ve forgotten why I’m here and what I’m doing. A camera clutched in my hand, increasingly fearful, with a cowardly posture. ….A presence and intensity fill me – a connection with the people around me. I feel their energy and their vibrations. The subtlest shift in expressions, movements in hands and in gestures. Everything is given a meaning.
– Martin Bogren, Italia

Martin Bogren
‘s work is widely exhibited and he has published several monographs; his books Ocean and Tractor Boys became instant classics in recent photobook history. Martin Bogren is based in Malmö, in 2013 he joined Galerie VU´ in Paris. His artworks can be purchased also at Micamera.

Martin Bogren will be at Micamera on Wednesday, March 29th at 7pm to open the exhibition of Italia.

Martin will not teach  a workshop but will be available for portfolio reviews – if interested, please email for further information.