Outfit ‘900. Abiti per le grandi occasioni nella moda di Palazzo Morando

© Ph. Manuel Bravi | Outfit '900, Palazzo Morando, Milan


From 20 Dicembre 2017 to 04 Novembre 2018


Place: Palazzo Morando - Costume Moda Immagine

Address: via Sant'Andrea 6

Times: Tue - Sun 9am-01pm / 02pm-05.30pm


  • Comune di Milano | Cultura Direzione Musei Storici

Ticket price: Full 5 € | Reducedo 3 € | Free admission on Tue after 2 pm

Telefono per informazioni: +39 02 884 65735

E-Mail info: c.palazzomorando@comune.milano.it

Official site: http://www.civicheraccoltestoriche.mi.it/

A voyage through the XX Century in the pursuit of elegance. Framed by Palazzo Morando, magnificent clothes depict the women of the 1900s and their evolution. On display, the outfits for important occasions, donated by the refined Ladies of the Collezione Civica di Costume e Moda. An authentic goldmine of history and beauty, showing off its most splendid side: dresses for both evening and day, for weddings and dances, a veritable feast for the eyes. An occasion to reach out and touch the numerous revolutions which shaped the last 100 years: the end of girdles in exchange for lighter and more dynamic lines after the Great War, the return to more traditional models of femininity during the ‘30s, the New Look of Christian Dior, the young and lively style inspired by Audrey Hepburn, the essential look of the ‘70s. Each piece of clothing has its own special story connected to who chose it, bought it and wore it: vintage photos, writing and documents from the donors of the exhibition, help to contribute to offering an extraordinary choral tale, transmitting the atmospheres of the last century in Milan. And, finally, a truly special guest of honour - the dress by Giorgio Armani used by Glenn Close for the Oscar Ceremonies in 1994.