Pierre-Etienne Morelle. Tenseness

Pierre-Etienne Morelle, Chobby, 2015-2016, wood, clamps, metal, cm. 110x110x8


From 18 Novembre 2016 to 31 Gennaio 2017


Place: Loom Gallery

Address: via Marsala 7

Times: Tuesday | Saturday, 12 - 7 pm

Ticket price: free entrance

Telefono per informazioni: +39 02 87064323

E-Mail info: ask@loomgallery.com

Official site: http://www.loomgallery.com/

Loom Gallery is delighted to present Pierre Etienne Mo- relle’s first solo exhibition in Italy “Tenseness”.
Pierre-Etienne Morelle explores predicted failure through installations, videos and performances. His works face physical characteristics of raw material, and challenges methodically elementary forces through absurd and experimental outcomes; involving the audience in the accomplishment of the process. The works examine the relations and tension arising between the given space and the bodies; ob- jects and materials appearing in this space, create extreme situations that cannot easily be maintained, therefore they are risky.
The starting point of the exhibition is the deconstruction of the concept of classic gallery as a sanctuary, and the way of presenting the artworks. The white cube – the archetype of modernist exhibition space – from an untroubled space where we meet works of art, has become the focus of statements concerning art, therefore a point of intersection of conflicts.
The claimed, doubted, offended, hurt and then destroyed gallery-space, has itself become the primary vehicle of artist’s messages. Likewise an independent importance and a significance in contents has been given to the frame of the artworks; these are borders of which at the same time con- firms the impossibility to evade them. The frame and the glass protect the artworks, and ensure the role of the artwork; they highlight and surround that area where peculiar rules operate, rules that are different from everyday reality. The exhibition at Loom Gallery reflects on these two crucial elements of being an artwork, and does so by disassembling them.
By undoing the traditionally joined relation between the frame and the glass, the viewer and the exhibition space, Pierre-Etienne switch the roles and the way of present the artworks. The frame and the glass, while they do not cease to challenge their own roles, simultaneously become artworks themselves. There is nothing to do, the gallery-space, the white cube fulfils the expectations and turns the critical gestures into artworks.