Katie Lipscomb. Cowboys in my coffee / Lino Fiorito. Giardino Western

© Lino Fiorito


From 03 Dicembre 2016 to 20 Febbraio 2017


Place: Galleria Acappella / Museo Apparente

Address: via Cappella Vecchia 8/A

E-Mail info: galleriacappella@gmail.com

Official site: http://www.museoapparente.eu/

Galleria Acappella and Museo Apparente are pleased to announce the double exhibition of two separate projects placed in a close dialogue between them, in the sign of the West.
  On Saturday, December 3rd, at 12 p.m., in the venue of via Cappella Vecchia, Katie Lipscomb (b. 1988) proposes a series of new works that explore the archetype of the cowboy and the western landscape. It will be the Texan-born/Philly-based artist's first European exhibition. In the exhibition, entitled "Cowboys in my Coffee", gunmen, horses, cacti, boots, and hats parade in paintings and float on the wall as paper cut-outs/collage. As the artist describes, the cowboys are "part Messiah / part Yosemite Sam", the images "equally reverent/irreverent"   The next day, Sunday, 4 December, at 12, will be the turn of Lino Fiorito, who will stage "Giardino Western" in the Museo Apparente. The artist, of neapolitan adoption, is inspired by a visit to the grave of the Buffalo Bill Museum, Utah, and by a file photo taken in 1890 in memory of circus exhibition from his caravan held in Naples, with Mount Vesuvius in the background.
"If Wim Wenders said that the American cinema has colonized our subconscious, the pine slats of the Museo Apparente's wooden structure made me immediately think of the construction of the West, simple, basic construction, where the wood is the only material that abounds in those uncharted territories, resemble houses in the mountains, like the shelters," says Fiorito.
The artist, taking inspiration from masks and characters of the italian comedy, referring back to the double meaning of the English word to draw, which means drawing but also pull the gun, is challenging Pulcinella and Harlequin in a gun duel. In the end, a drawing depicting a cloud of smoke in the shape of US map, escaping from a mountain that resembles Vesuvius, the sea like the desert, two cactus and the moon.

COWBOYS IN MY COFFEE a solo exhibition by Katie Lipscomb
3 December 2016 – 20 February 2017
Via Cappella Vecchia n 8/A 80122 Napoli
Opening: Saturday, 3 Dicember, 12:00 – 14:00 pm
GIARDINO WESTERN a solo exhibition by Lino Fiorito
4 Dicembre 2016 – 20 February 2017
M U S E O  A P P A R E N T E
Vico Santa Maria Apparente 17  80132 Napoli
Opening: Sunday, 4 Dicembre , 12:00 – 18:00 pm