Paths_n. 1. The Italians seen on television. From Lascia o Raddoppia? to Carosello

From 10 Febbraio 2015 to 31 Dicembre 2015
Rivoli | Turin
Place: Castello di Rivoli
Address: piazza Mafalda di Savoia
Times: Tuesday to Friday 10 am - 5 pm; Saturday and Sunday 10 am - 7 pm
Responsibles: Massimo Melotti
Ticket price: full € 6.50, reduced € 4.50 for children aged 11-14, senior citizens, teachers, students, military personnel, cultural associations and other organizations, Pyou Card holders. Free admission to children under 11 and for the disabled
Telefono per informazioni: +39 011 9565222
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The project is divided into a series of trails dedicated to insights of contemporary languages ??that, with their interactions, determined and result in the birth and development of social and cultural processes, in particular trends in the visual arts.
The first path is dedicated to the fifties - seventies.
For our country are the years of the Renaissance and the discovery of television still characterized by a naive language or derived from the theater and cinema. These were the years of the sweepstakes, television drama and appropriate, unique in the world of advertising Italian: Carousel, the appointment favorite TV show from the Italians.
The exhibition, which runs through four rooms on the second floor of the Manica Lunga, will allow visitors to attend screenings via a multimedia installation and refer to the historical materials from computer workstations, as well as watch television and movies according to a schedule established.
The multimedia installation based on an alternation of period films and dynamic presentations by experts immerse the viewer in the atmosphere of reconstruction, the economic boom of the Dispute and the seventies. Extraordinary events such as the Olympics in Rome and the moon landing accompany the social life of the Italians, becoming the myths alongside those newspapers such as the Fiat 500, the holidays and the first Carousels.
Peppino Ortoleva, media historian, Hugh Volli semiotician, Bruno Gambarotta-TV and radio host and writer Massimo Melotti art critic and sociologist, are the authors of the insights that - ahead of every series of "shards" - highlight the specificity of those years. A special section will be dedicated to the evolution of the relationship between creativity and the visual arts.
A table touch-screen will also allow the viewing of posters concerning both advertising campaigns and policies, both the postwar elections.
Some computer kiosks instead allow you to view a selection of about 2,000 Caroselli, taken from the archive Sipra-Rai, which are part of the collection of the Museum of Advertising. It will thus be able to relive the great myths advertising played by actors such as Bramieri, Tognazzi, Calindri, Peppino De Filippo; cartoons Carmencita and Caballero created by Armando Testa and the famous line created by Osvaldo Cavandoli for Lagostina, until reaching the achievements Advertising atmosphere of the seventies.
In the library of the museum, which is home to approximately 40,000 volumes of contemporary art between critical editions and catalogs, the visitor can explore the artistic languages ??between art and advertising.
A program of films and videos projected in the conference room will tell the society of the time as in the pre-industrial Italy trip in the valley of Podi Mario Soldati; immigration, with the 1960 film by Gabriele Salvatores; the country that changes in Comizi love of Pier Paolo Pasolini; the consumption boom as told by the People of the boom, as we are history but also by Giovanni Minoli Carousel, what a passion! Luciano Emmer, and Dossierdi Ezio Zefferi, Once Upon a Time Carousel.

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Dal 07 marzo 2025 al 04 maggio 2025 Milano | Palazzo Reale
Dal 08 marzo 2025 al 27 luglio 2025 Pistoia | Palazzo Buontalenti, Palazzo de’ Rossi e Antico Palazzo dei Vescovi
Dal 26 febbraio 2025 al 05 maggio 2025 Venezia | Museo Fortuny
Dal 01 marzo 2025 al 29 giugno 2025 Torino | Museo Storico Nazionale d’Artiglieria dell’Esercito – Mastio della Cittadella
Dal 27 febbraio 2025 al 29 giugno 2025 Milano | Palazzo Reale