Dreamscape: visioni in precario equilibrio. Marcella Persichetti and Rujunko Pugh’s exhibition

Dreamscape: visioni in precario equilibrio. Marcella Persichetti - Rujunko Pugh


From 13 Ottobre 2016 to 29 Ottobre 2016


Place: Makemake Spazio e Arte

Address: via del Boschetto 121

Times: Monday to Saturday 04.30pm-08pm

Responsibles: Andrea Amatiste


  • Roma Capitale

Telefono per informazioni: +39 392 0112210

E-Mail info: info@makemake.it

Official site: http://www.makemake.it/

On October 13, at 7:00 PM, the art gallery Makemake Spazio e Arte will host the opening of the exhibition, “Dreamscape: visioni in precario equilibrio”, from the artists Marcella Persichetti and Rujunko Pugh.
The event, curated by Andrea Amatiste, presents the recent work of the two artists, two women with different nationalities, backgrounds, and experiences, but connected by the same passion for photography and graphic design. The exhibition will display two projects, Persichetti’s photographic study Panama is not in France – an autobiographic and introspective research, sparked by a loss of coordinates – and Pugh’s pictorial Hereafter already shown in Sydney and filled with disquieting social, cultural, and environmental implicazioni.
As Sveva Mandolesi said: “In spite of the differences in the content and the appearances of the pieces, the audience is brought to reflect on the precariousness of the contemporary human condition, on its delicate and threatened balances, both from an interior, intimate and private perspective and from an exterior, public and socio-cultural point of view.
On one side of the gallery the nine, colour images of Persichetti’s photographic series represent the same artist, as if she was lost and disorientated, in the middle of tarnished urban settings and almost pristine natural landscapes, trying to conquer a precarious balance on inclined levels, where it is easy to plummet “vertically” towards the bottom or catch “horizontally” an ideal balance of quiet. The undisputed main character of the photos is the body, intimately scrutinized “in its struggles, its instability, through the symbolic actions of the mood and the depth of a glance which hypnotizes and attracts the viewer in the space of the image”.
On the other side of the room, Pugh’s silkscreens and graphic designs “propel the visitor in an iconographic and stylistic world with a clear Japanese imprinting”. Pugh’s graphic layouts are the final product of a creative process in which photography plays the fundamental role as a trigger of the artistic creation. The images stem from the combination and digital collage of photos from different historic periods, superimposed are illustrations related to the cleaning up of the Fukushima nuclear waste. The artist meticulously works to translate and transmute them in graphic-linear renderings typical of the Japanese heritage.
The visitors are finally invited by both the artists to interact with the pieces throughout the exhibition, Persichetti’s installation and Pugh’s mural, invading the volumes and the walls of the gallery.
As a side event of the Rome Art Week, Makemake spazio e arte will also project a 10-minutes video interview of the artists, to analyse the “whys” and the communalities and/or divergences of this exhibition.
The projection will be hosted on Friday October 28, at 7,00 PM