Residenze #2 - Sabrina Casadei | A Thousand Miles Away

Residenze #2 - Sabrina Casadei | A Thousand Miles Away


From 06 Dicembre 2016 to 31 Gennaio 2017


Place: AlbumArte

Address: via Flaminia 122

Times: : from Tuesday to Saturday from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. or by appointment

Responsibles: Paola Ugolini

Telefono per informazioni: +39 06 3243882

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Official site:

On Tuesday, December 6th, AlbumArte will inaugurate the first Rome exhibition by Sabrina Casadei (Rome, 1985), marking the second appointment with the project Residenze, curated by Paola Ugolini, showing artworks that have been exclusively produced during artist-in-residence programmes and that will be presented in Italy for the first time, in the exhibition spaces of Via Flaminia.
Casadei will present paintings realized in early 2016, during her artist residency at the Nordic Artists’s Centre Dale, one of the most important artist-in-residence program in Europe, founded by the Norwegian Ministry of Culture and located in Dale, a village in the Fjaler municipality, along the west coast of Norway. Here, the artist has found landscapes and colors she had always kept in her unconscious without ever seeing them, thus finally recognizing what she’ve been depicting forever. The colors of her works and the movement of her brush strokes, in fact, found their perfect location in the Norwegian Fjords landscape.
The first appointment of the project Residenze (AlbumArte October 11 | November 26, 2016) presented the works realized by Flavio Favelli and Gianni Politi during their artist residencies produced by AlbumArte in 2014, in Istanbul and Prague, respectively. While Favelli and Politi’s exhibition put and accent on the influence of the residency practice on the way of working of the two artists – who have indeed produced pieces that are very different from the rest of their work -, Residenze #2 offers a completely different subject for reflection; in the landscapes and paintings of her host country, Norway, the young artist have found a clear and definite confirmation of the reasons for her way of working.
Residenze #2 is part of the events of Fuori Quadriennale, 16th Art Quadriennale Altri tempi, altri miti (Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, October 13, 2016 – January 8, 2017). The production is also supported by the NKD – Nordic Artists’ Centre Dale. AlbumArte wishes also to thank Castroni Cola di Rienzo.
Sabrina Casadei was born in Rome in 1985, where she lives and works. Education: 2009, Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, BA (Hons); 2004, Secondary School focusing on humanities. Selected solo Exhibition: 2013, Smottamenti. Frane, LEM Laboratorio Estetica Moderna, Sassari, Italy; 2012, Growing in Lightness, Kaleidoskop, Berlin, Germany; 2011, Atti di decostruzione, Marchina Arte Contemporanea, Brescia, Italy. Selected group Exhibitions: 2016, Bølge, NKD, Dale, Norway; Comete, Chiesa dei Bigi, Grosseto, Italy; Laboratorio di Pittura in genere, Associazione Culturale Mastronauta, Omegna (VB), Italy; 2014, 2000 Maniacs -The Big Instant Painting Show-, Verona, Italy; Pulsart Restart: Ritual, Spazio Shed, Schio (Vi), Italy; 2013, Iside Contemporanea, Arcos Museo di Arte Contemporanea, Benevento, Italy ; Last Young. Under 35 in Italia, Villa  Brivio, Nova Milanese (Mi), Italy; ComON StreetScape 2, Pinacoteca Civica, Como, Italy; 2012, Big Size Art, Think | Cattleya, Milan, Italy. Awards and Residencies: 2016, Premio Comete, Grosseto, Italy; 2013, Premio Ora, L.E.M, Sassari, Italy; 2010, Premio Fondazione Toniolo, Spazioarte Pisanello, Verona, Italy; 2016,NKD Nordic Artists Centre Dale, Dale, Norway; 2014, Le CouveNt Artist in Residence, Le CouveNt, Auzits, France

Opening reception on Tuesday, December 6 at 6:00 p.m.