The Time of Futurism

Il Tempo del Futurismo, Galleria Nazionale di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Roma | Foto: © Emanuele Antonio Minerva, Agnese Sbaffi


From 02 Novembre 2024 to 27 Aprile 2025


Place: Galleria Nazionale di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea

Address: Viale delle Belle Arti 131

Times: Mar - Dom 9 - 19 | | Lun 6 Gen aperto | Lun chiuso

Responsibles: Gabriele Simongini

Prolungata: prorogata

Ticket price: Intero 10 € | Ridotto 2 €

Telefono per informazioni: +39 06 322 98 221

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Official site:

The idea of ​​putting together works of art and machines would have pleased the Futurists. In the rooms of the Galleria Nazionale di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, you will see the Macchi - Castoldi MC 72 seaplane, the 1912 Fiat Chiribiri and the legendary Maserati by Tazio Nuvolari, as well as a wireless telegraph.
The thread of the story, which concerns the changes that were taking place in Italian society at the beginning of the twentieth century with the advent of new technologies, travels in parallel with the narration on artistic research.
Through documents and audiovisual material from the period, the exhibition will pay particular attention to the true demiurge of the movement, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, who founded Futurism by publishing the Manifesto in 1909 in the pages of "Le Figaro", while the following historical sections will show the many directions in which the work of artists took place during the first decades of the 20th century, with the exhibition of the fundamental masterpieces of the five main Futurists: Giacomo Balla, Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carrà, Gino Severini and Luigi Russolo. The exhibition is expected to display approximately 600 works.