Mario Calabresi. With open eyes. When history was caught in a photo
From 26 Luglio 2014 to 08 Febbraio 2015
Place: Reggia di Venaria Reale - Rooms of the Arts
Address: piazza della Repubblica 4
Times: Until August 3, 2014. From Thuesday to Friday: 10am - 4pm. Tuesday reopens from 7pm (only for concert ticket holders). Friday from 7pm. Saturday and Sunday: 9:30am – 7:30pm.
Responsibles: Alessandra Mauro, Lorenza Bravetta
- Consorzio La Venaria Reale
- Contrasto
- Magnum Photos
Ticket price: full € 10, reduced € 8, students € 6
Telefono per informazioni: +39 011 4992333
E-Mail info:
Official site:
Punctuated by his words, this irresistible journey gives us the chance to look at the world from a privileged vantage point: through the eyes of photojournalists.
Mario Calabresi has a passion for photography, but also and most notably for journalism and reality. He went on a very special journey: a profound and fascinating journey in recent history, looking for the “eyewitnesses” who narrated, through their work and their willingness to explore the folds of news as we know it, some extraordinary moments of our time with a series of images taken with their eyes open on the world.
What would we know, what would we imagine, what would we remember of Prague’s invasion by the Soviet Union without the images, stamped in our eyes, of an “anonymous photographer from Prague” whose name, we later discovered, was Josef Koudelka? Justice was served through those photos, that told the world about a springtime of freedom full of freshness and idealism.There are facts, pieces of history, that exist only because there is a photograph that tells their story. (Mario Calabresi)
Until August 3rd, 2014
From Thuesday to Friday: 10am - 4pm.
Tuesday reopens at 7pm (only for concert ticket holders).
Friday reopens at 7pm.
Saturday and Sunday: 9:30am - 7:30pm.
From August 5th to September 14th
Monday closed.
From Thuesday to Friday: 10am - 6pm.
Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 9:30am - 7:30pm.
From September 15th to February 8th
Monday closed.
From Thuesday to Friday: 9am - 5pm.
Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 9:30am - 7:30pm.
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