Paintings and Drawings of the Great Workshop by Gaudenzio Ferrari

Dipinti e Disegni della Grande Officina di Gaudenzio Ferrari
From 09 Aprile 2014 to 30 Settembre 2014
Place: Accademia Albertina of Belle Arti
Address: via Accademia Albertina 6
Times: 10 am - 6 pm; closed on Wednesday
Responsibles: Anna Maria Bava, Massimiliano Caldera, Guido Curto, Paola Nicita
- Accademia Albertina
- Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici del Piemonte
- Museo Borgogna
- Pinacoteca dell’Arcivescovado di Vercelli
- Consulta per la Valorizzazione dei Beni Artistici e Culturali di Torino
Ticket price: full € 5, reduced € 2.50
Telefono per informazioni: +39 011 5220450 / 011 0897370
E-Mail info:
Official site:
The exhibition explores the theme of the Lamentation of Christ in the School of Gaudenzio Ferrari.
Through the itinerary figurative painter of the early trials Valsesian reaches his followers industrious
in the second half of the sixteenth century, visitors can observe how the theme was developed by the iconographic and compositional point of view, starting from the reflection on the cartons, substantial shareholders of the shops Vercelli.
The initiative, promoted by the Accademia Albertina and the Regional Directorate for Cultural Heritage and Landscape of Piedmont
in collaboration with the Burgundy Museum and Art Gallery of the Archbishop of Vercelli, is supported by the Council for the Promotion of Arts and Culture in Turin chaired by dr. Maurizio Cibrario. It is the ideal continuation of the exhibition "Gaudenzian compared. Masterpieces
Gaudenzio Ferrari Bernardino Lanino the Albertina Art Gallery "organized last year thanks to the Superintendence for the Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage of Piedmont and Savoy Gallery.
The commitment of the Council for the Accademia Albertina begins in 1995 with the renovation and new construction of the Pinacoteca, paying particular attention to the creation of the Hall of sixteenth-century cartoons by Gaudenzio Ferrari and his workshop. The commitment was renewed in 2005
with the exhibition "Bartholomew Cavarozzi. Holy Families in comparison "and in 2011 with the restoration and exhibition of watercolors by Joseph Peter Bagetti, enriched with works from private collectors, unreleased to the public.
The exhibition will be inaugurated today is the first step of an operation of cross-promotion between Turin museums and institutions of the region around the theme of the graphics and the modus operandi of the Renaissance workshops in Piedmont and confirms the interest of the Company and Bodies Members of the Council for the promotion of artistic heritage, fostering collaboration between public and private.
Through the itinerary figurative painter of the early trials Valsesian reaches his followers industrious
in the second half of the sixteenth century, visitors can observe how the theme was developed by the iconographic and compositional point of view, starting from the reflection on the cartons, substantial shareholders of the shops Vercelli.
The initiative, promoted by the Accademia Albertina and the Regional Directorate for Cultural Heritage and Landscape of Piedmont
in collaboration with the Burgundy Museum and Art Gallery of the Archbishop of Vercelli, is supported by the Council for the Promotion of Arts and Culture in Turin chaired by dr. Maurizio Cibrario. It is the ideal continuation of the exhibition "Gaudenzian compared. Masterpieces
Gaudenzio Ferrari Bernardino Lanino the Albertina Art Gallery "organized last year thanks to the Superintendence for the Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage of Piedmont and Savoy Gallery.
The commitment of the Council for the Accademia Albertina begins in 1995 with the renovation and new construction of the Pinacoteca, paying particular attention to the creation of the Hall of sixteenth-century cartoons by Gaudenzio Ferrari and his workshop. The commitment was renewed in 2005
with the exhibition "Bartholomew Cavarozzi. Holy Families in comparison "and in 2011 with the restoration and exhibition of watercolors by Joseph Peter Bagetti, enriched with works from private collectors, unreleased to the public.
The exhibition will be inaugurated today is the first step of an operation of cross-promotion between Turin museums and institutions of the region around the theme of the graphics and the modus operandi of the Renaissance workshops in Piedmont and confirms the interest of the Company and Bodies Members of the Council for the promotion of artistic heritage, fostering collaboration between public and private.

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