Pre-Raphaelites. The utopia of beauty

John Everett Millais, Ofelia, 1851-1852, olio su tela. Donato nel 1894 da Sir Henry Tate © Tate, Londra 2014.


From 19 Aprile 2014 to 13 Luglio 2014


Place: Palazzo Chiablese

Address: piazza san Giovanni 2

Times: Monday 2.30 - 7.30 pm; Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday 9.30 am - 7.30 pm; Thursday, Friday and Saturday 9.30 am - 10-30 pm


  • Comune di Torino - Assessorato alla Cultura
  • Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici del Piemonte
  • Polo Reale di Torino

Ticket price: full € 13, reduce € 11 / € 6.50, free till 6

Telefono per informazioni: +39 011 0881178

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Official site:

More than 70 masterpieces of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood arrive, after a world tour in Turin from April 19 to July 13, 2014, before returning to the Tate Britain in London where they are held in a wing devoted and which will not come for many years.
The exhibition, organized in collaboration with the Tate Britain in London and curated by Alison Smith, chief curator of British art in the nineteenth century at the Tate Britain, with the voice of Italian Luca Beatrice, presents for the first time in Turin and in Italy a few undisputed masterpieces of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, pictorial summation of the Victorian era.

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Promoted by the City of Turin - Department of Culture, the Regional Directorate for Cultural Heritage and Landscape of Piedmont and Turin Royal Polo , the show is produced by 24 ORE Cultura - Gruppo 24 Ore and is sponsored by the MiBACT - Ministry of heritage and cultural activities and tourism. The Italian voice of the exhibition will be Luca Beatrice, who also recounts in an essay in the catalog and in the video shows , the influence of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood has had on Western culture, between Gothic and dark , from the 80s .
The exhibition, held in the renovated Palazzo Chiablese - which will present true icons of the period as Ophelia by John Everett Millais, The beloved ( The Bride ) by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Take your son, Lord of Ford Madox Brown and Sidonia von Bork in 1560 by Edward Coley Burne-Jones - intends to give a reason for each thematic aspect of the movement and then is divided into 7 sections: History, Religion, the Scenics, The contemporary society, the pictorial style , the Beauty and Symbolism.