The Savoy on tour to the city: screenings, tests and inspections on the territory

Jan van Eyck, Stimmate di San Francesco, Palazzo di Città, Torino
From 29 Maggio 2014 to 07 Settembre 2014
Place: Palazzo Reale of Turin and others locations
Address: piazzetta Reale 1
Responsibles: Massimiliano Caldera, Giorgio Careddu, Mario Epifani, Franco Gualano, Alessandra Guerrini, Alessandra Lanzoni, Valeria Moratti, Paola Nicita, Elena Ragusa, Maria Rosaria Severino
- Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici del Piemonte
- Soprintendenza per i Beni Storici Artistici ed Etnoantropologici del Piemonte
Telefono per informazioni: +39 011 5641711
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In order to enable the complex restoration work in view of the final opening of the new headquarters, planned for December 2014, the Savoy Gallery is closed, but it opens in all the Piedmont region.
The Royal Polo proceeds in compliance with the schedule; the last, crucial piece, the picture gallery of the Gallery, moved to the new wing of the Royal Palace, completes the major project with which the city of Turin will present the major events of 2015, with the Expo and the Exposition of the SS Shroud. The Royal Polo is an important resource for the territory that bears the Piedmont on the stage of culture and international tourism. With approaching the completion of the project and with the intensification of the work it did not want to deprive the visitor the opportunity to enjoy the masterpieces of Savoy.
On May 29 opens the exhibition entitled "The Savoy on tour to the city: screenings, tests and inspections on the territory", that involves 14 cities of Piedmont. Briefly, 18 exhibitions open at the same time, all starring the works of the Savoy Gallery.
Five exhibitions are held in Turin, one at Palazzo di Città, four in the museums of the state, that are Royal Palace, Royal Armoury, Palazzo Carignano and Villa della Regina; the remaining in the thirteen major cities of Piedmont, namely Alba, Alessandria, Asti, Biella, Casale Monferrato, Cuneo, Domodossola, Ivrea, Novara, Saluzzo, Varallo, Verbania and Vercelli.
The project is promoted by the Regional Directorate for Cultural Heritage and Landscape of Piedmont and the Superintendence for the Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage of Piedmont. Designed by the Superintendent Edith Gabrielli, under the coordination of the Director of the Savoy Gallery Anna Maria Bava, it's expected that every single show is carried by the official of the same area of the Superintendent, in accordance with the civic authorities and with the support of Compagnia di San Paolo.
More than 50 works involved and all of the first floor. In addition to sculptures, like a nice group of Egyptian antiquities include paintings by Italian and foreign, Jan van Eyck, Hans Memling, Martin Spanzotti Gaudenzio Ferrari, Sandro Botticelli, Sodoma, Antiveduto Gramatica, Giovanni Baglione, Nicolo Musso Cerano, Orazio Gentileschi, Guido Reni, Anton van Dyck and Peter Paul Rubens, Nicolas Poussin, Rembrandt, until Francesco Solimena, Anton Raphael Mengs , Pompeo Batoni and Jules Cesar Denis van Loo.
If the exposure of Portrait of Charles Albert of Horace Vernet in the Swiss Hall of the Royal Palace is a fitting tribute to the founder of the gallery, the other shows instead obey to some guidelines, also the result of a fruitful comparison with the individual administrations. The first guideline is represented by the continuity with the culture of the area. It includes exhibitions focusing on artists who were born in a particular city or who have left one or more significant works , such as , for example, Martin Spanzotti in Ivrea , Gaudenzio at Varallo , Gaudenzio and the same Sodom in Vercelli, Nicholas Musso in Casale Monferrato , Cerano in Novara . A second guideline focuses on the taste of a particular customer. It says so on the lunge Cardinal Maurizio of Savoy, Villa della Regina, the Royal Armoury of Carlo Emanuele III, or the latest Riccardo Gualino in his hometown of Biella. A third guideline is intended to establish dialogues unpublished , on the linguistic and iconographic , including works - or sequences of work - and in different contexts than usual. Hence the exposure in the Marble Hall of the City Palace in Turin consist of two sets respectively by van Eyck, Fra Angelico and Schiavone and Rembrandt, Poussin and Kidneys ; or that of the South in the Apartment Palazzo Carignano in Turin again , some of the masterpieces of seventeenth-century figurative , by Gentileschi to van Dyck. It was also from here originates the inclusion of the group in the Egyptian Old Kingdom Palatium Vetus of Alexandria, the Memling Palazzo Mazzetti at Asti, Giovanni Baglione Cavassa Casa Saluzzo, dell'Antiveduto Gramatica in the Town Hall of Alba, the Francesco Solimena in the Civic Museum of Palazzo San Francesco in Domodossola , of Batoni and Mengs in the Civic Museums of Cuneo and van Loo in the Villa Giulia in Verbania.
Youngest of a precise and determined museological perspective , developed to strengthen relations between the museum and the land, The Savoy on tour to the city, however, seeks very specific goals. On the one hand, it aims to ensure public enjoyment of some of the most significant works from the collection in Turin during the summer 2014, when the new wing of the Royal Palace will undergo a series of works on the structures and systems, depending on the its reopening stable. On the other hand , especially in a delicate phase for the life of the country seemed and seems right that the Administration of Cultural Heritage would provide an effective contribution to the common effort to promote the entire Piedmont on the hard ridge of tourism, both domestic and outside, going to strengthen local programming which is already now a rich and satisfying. Only in this way, by action of a public service able to represent and involve the entire chain to limit the administrative and civil society as a whole, it seems possible and still maintain the vital principles of integrated territorial protection, which aimed to protect the whole context, rather than just the individual good.
List of exhibited works
Palazzo di Città
Jan van Eyck, Stimmate di San Francesco
Guido di Pietro (fra’ Giovanni da Fiesole) detto il Beato Angelico, Madonna col Bambino
Rembrandt van Rijn, Ritratto di vecchio
Giorgio ?ulinovi? detto Schiavone, Madonna col Bambino
Guido Reni, San Giovanni Battista
Nicolas Poussin, Santa Margherita
Palazzo Reale
Horace Vernet, Carlo Alberto, re di Sardegna
Armeria Reale
Claudio Francesco Beaumont,Venere ordina a Vulcano le armi per Enea; Enea sacrifica a Giunone
Claudio Francesco Beaumont, Giunone ordina a Eolo di scatenare i venti per disperdere la flotta
Maria Giovanna Battista Clementi detta la Clementina, Carlo Emanuele III, re di Sardegna
Palazzo Carignano
Giovan Battista della Rovere detto il Fiammenghino, Allegoria della Provincia di Saluzzo
Pier Francesco Mazzuchelli detto Morazzone, Allegoria della Provincia di Susa
Scultore lombardo attivo alla corte dei Savoia, 1610-1620, Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia
Scultore lombardo attivo alla corte dei Savoia, 1610-1620, Carlo Emanuele I di Savoia
Giovan Francesco Barbieri detto il Guercino, Il figliol prodigo
Claude Vignon, San Paolo apostolo
Jean Valentin detto Valentin de Boulogne, San Gerolamo
Hendrick Terbruggen, San Giovanni Evangelista
Orazio Lomi detto il Gentileschi, Annunciazione
Guglielmo Caccia detto il Moncalvo, Stimmate di san Francesco
Giovanni Battista Crespi detto il Cerano, Madonna con il Bambino, i santi Francesco e Lorenzo e un frate
Anton van Dyck e bottega, Amarilli e Mirtillo
Anton van Dyck, Il principe Tommaso di Savoia Carignano
Anton van Dyck, I figli di Carlo I d’Inghilterra
Pieter Paul Rubens, Deianira tentata dalla furia
Pieter Paul Rubens, Ercole nel giardino delle Esperidi
Tommaso Carlone (attribuito a), Vittorio Amedeo I di Savoia
Tommaso Carlone (attribuito a), Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia vicerè di Sicilia
Villa della Regina
Francesco Albani, L'elemento dell’Acqua
Francesco Albani, L’elemento dell'Aria
Francesco Albani, L'elemento della Terra
Francesco Albani, L'elemento del Fuoco
Domenico Zampieri detto il Domenichino, Tre putti (Allegoria dell’architettura, dell’astronomia e dell’agricoltura)
François du Quesnoy, Il principe cardinale Maurizio di Savoia
ALBA, Palazzo Comunale
Antiveduto Gramatica, Suonatore di tiorba
ALESSANDRIA, Palatium Vetus
Arte Egizia, IV dinastia (2640-2520 a.C.), Gruppo di famiglia
ASTI, Palazzo Mazzetti
Hans Memling, La passione di Cristo
BIELLA, Museo del Territorio Biellese
Sandro Botticelli e bottega, Venere
CASALE MONFERRATO, Museo Civico e Gipsoteca Leonardo Bistolfi
Nicolò Musso, Cristo che porta la croce al Calvario
CUNEO, Complesso Monumentale di San Francesco - Museo Civico
Pompeo Batoni, Ercole fra la virtù e la voluttà
Pompeo Batoni, Enea fugge da Troia
Anton Raphael Mengs, San Pietro in cattedra
DOMODOSSOLA, Civico Museo di Palazzo San Francesco
Francesco Solimena, La cacciato di Eliodoro dal Tempio
IVREA, Museo Civico Pier Alessandro Garda
Giovanni Martino Spanzotti, Adorazione dei Magi
NOVARA, Galleria d’Arte Moderna Paolo e Adele Giannoni
Giovanni Maria Crespi detto il Cerano, San Francesco e il beato Carlo Borromeo in preghiera davanti alla statua dellaMadonna presso San Celso a Milano
SALUZZO, Museo Civico Casa Cavassa
Giovanni Baglione,San Pietro col gallo
VARALLO, Pinacoteca
Gaudenzio Ferrari, Crocifissione
VERBANIA, Villa Giulia
Jules-Cesar-Denis Van Loo, Dintorni della Venaria Reale con effetto di tramonto
Jules-Cesar-Denis Van Loo, Dintorni di Torino con effetto d’aurora
Gaudenzio Ferrari, San Giovanni Battista
Gaudenzio Ferrari, San Pietro e un donatore
Giovanni Antonio Bazzi detto ilSodoma, Morte di Lucrezia
The Royal Polo proceeds in compliance with the schedule; the last, crucial piece, the picture gallery of the Gallery, moved to the new wing of the Royal Palace, completes the major project with which the city of Turin will present the major events of 2015, with the Expo and the Exposition of the SS Shroud. The Royal Polo is an important resource for the territory that bears the Piedmont on the stage of culture and international tourism. With approaching the completion of the project and with the intensification of the work it did not want to deprive the visitor the opportunity to enjoy the masterpieces of Savoy.
On May 29 opens the exhibition entitled "The Savoy on tour to the city: screenings, tests and inspections on the territory", that involves 14 cities of Piedmont. Briefly, 18 exhibitions open at the same time, all starring the works of the Savoy Gallery.
Five exhibitions are held in Turin, one at Palazzo di Città, four in the museums of the state, that are Royal Palace, Royal Armoury, Palazzo Carignano and Villa della Regina; the remaining in the thirteen major cities of Piedmont, namely Alba, Alessandria, Asti, Biella, Casale Monferrato, Cuneo, Domodossola, Ivrea, Novara, Saluzzo, Varallo, Verbania and Vercelli.
The project is promoted by the Regional Directorate for Cultural Heritage and Landscape of Piedmont and the Superintendence for the Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage of Piedmont. Designed by the Superintendent Edith Gabrielli, under the coordination of the Director of the Savoy Gallery Anna Maria Bava, it's expected that every single show is carried by the official of the same area of the Superintendent, in accordance with the civic authorities and with the support of Compagnia di San Paolo.
More than 50 works involved and all of the first floor. In addition to sculptures, like a nice group of Egyptian antiquities include paintings by Italian and foreign, Jan van Eyck, Hans Memling, Martin Spanzotti Gaudenzio Ferrari, Sandro Botticelli, Sodoma, Antiveduto Gramatica, Giovanni Baglione, Nicolo Musso Cerano, Orazio Gentileschi, Guido Reni, Anton van Dyck and Peter Paul Rubens, Nicolas Poussin, Rembrandt, until Francesco Solimena, Anton Raphael Mengs , Pompeo Batoni and Jules Cesar Denis van Loo.
If the exposure of Portrait of Charles Albert of Horace Vernet in the Swiss Hall of the Royal Palace is a fitting tribute to the founder of the gallery, the other shows instead obey to some guidelines, also the result of a fruitful comparison with the individual administrations. The first guideline is represented by the continuity with the culture of the area. It includes exhibitions focusing on artists who were born in a particular city or who have left one or more significant works , such as , for example, Martin Spanzotti in Ivrea , Gaudenzio at Varallo , Gaudenzio and the same Sodom in Vercelli, Nicholas Musso in Casale Monferrato , Cerano in Novara . A second guideline focuses on the taste of a particular customer. It says so on the lunge Cardinal Maurizio of Savoy, Villa della Regina, the Royal Armoury of Carlo Emanuele III, or the latest Riccardo Gualino in his hometown of Biella. A third guideline is intended to establish dialogues unpublished , on the linguistic and iconographic , including works - or sequences of work - and in different contexts than usual. Hence the exposure in the Marble Hall of the City Palace in Turin consist of two sets respectively by van Eyck, Fra Angelico and Schiavone and Rembrandt, Poussin and Kidneys ; or that of the South in the Apartment Palazzo Carignano in Turin again , some of the masterpieces of seventeenth-century figurative , by Gentileschi to van Dyck. It was also from here originates the inclusion of the group in the Egyptian Old Kingdom Palatium Vetus of Alexandria, the Memling Palazzo Mazzetti at Asti, Giovanni Baglione Cavassa Casa Saluzzo, dell'Antiveduto Gramatica in the Town Hall of Alba, the Francesco Solimena in the Civic Museum of Palazzo San Francesco in Domodossola , of Batoni and Mengs in the Civic Museums of Cuneo and van Loo in the Villa Giulia in Verbania.
Youngest of a precise and determined museological perspective , developed to strengthen relations between the museum and the land, The Savoy on tour to the city, however, seeks very specific goals. On the one hand, it aims to ensure public enjoyment of some of the most significant works from the collection in Turin during the summer 2014, when the new wing of the Royal Palace will undergo a series of works on the structures and systems, depending on the its reopening stable. On the other hand , especially in a delicate phase for the life of the country seemed and seems right that the Administration of Cultural Heritage would provide an effective contribution to the common effort to promote the entire Piedmont on the hard ridge of tourism, both domestic and outside, going to strengthen local programming which is already now a rich and satisfying. Only in this way, by action of a public service able to represent and involve the entire chain to limit the administrative and civil society as a whole, it seems possible and still maintain the vital principles of integrated territorial protection, which aimed to protect the whole context, rather than just the individual good.
List of exhibited works
Palazzo di Città
Jan van Eyck, Stimmate di San Francesco
Guido di Pietro (fra’ Giovanni da Fiesole) detto il Beato Angelico, Madonna col Bambino
Rembrandt van Rijn, Ritratto di vecchio
Giorgio ?ulinovi? detto Schiavone, Madonna col Bambino
Guido Reni, San Giovanni Battista
Nicolas Poussin, Santa Margherita
Palazzo Reale
Horace Vernet, Carlo Alberto, re di Sardegna
Armeria Reale
Claudio Francesco Beaumont,Venere ordina a Vulcano le armi per Enea; Enea sacrifica a Giunone
Claudio Francesco Beaumont, Giunone ordina a Eolo di scatenare i venti per disperdere la flotta
Maria Giovanna Battista Clementi detta la Clementina, Carlo Emanuele III, re di Sardegna
Palazzo Carignano
Giovan Battista della Rovere detto il Fiammenghino, Allegoria della Provincia di Saluzzo
Pier Francesco Mazzuchelli detto Morazzone, Allegoria della Provincia di Susa
Scultore lombardo attivo alla corte dei Savoia, 1610-1620, Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia
Scultore lombardo attivo alla corte dei Savoia, 1610-1620, Carlo Emanuele I di Savoia
Giovan Francesco Barbieri detto il Guercino, Il figliol prodigo
Claude Vignon, San Paolo apostolo
Jean Valentin detto Valentin de Boulogne, San Gerolamo
Hendrick Terbruggen, San Giovanni Evangelista
Orazio Lomi detto il Gentileschi, Annunciazione
Guglielmo Caccia detto il Moncalvo, Stimmate di san Francesco
Giovanni Battista Crespi detto il Cerano, Madonna con il Bambino, i santi Francesco e Lorenzo e un frate
Anton van Dyck e bottega, Amarilli e Mirtillo
Anton van Dyck, Il principe Tommaso di Savoia Carignano
Anton van Dyck, I figli di Carlo I d’Inghilterra
Pieter Paul Rubens, Deianira tentata dalla furia
Pieter Paul Rubens, Ercole nel giardino delle Esperidi
Tommaso Carlone (attribuito a), Vittorio Amedeo I di Savoia
Tommaso Carlone (attribuito a), Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia vicerè di Sicilia
Villa della Regina
Francesco Albani, L'elemento dell’Acqua
Francesco Albani, L’elemento dell'Aria
Francesco Albani, L'elemento della Terra
Francesco Albani, L'elemento del Fuoco
Domenico Zampieri detto il Domenichino, Tre putti (Allegoria dell’architettura, dell’astronomia e dell’agricoltura)
François du Quesnoy, Il principe cardinale Maurizio di Savoia
ALBA, Palazzo Comunale
Antiveduto Gramatica, Suonatore di tiorba
ALESSANDRIA, Palatium Vetus
Arte Egizia, IV dinastia (2640-2520 a.C.), Gruppo di famiglia
ASTI, Palazzo Mazzetti
Hans Memling, La passione di Cristo
BIELLA, Museo del Territorio Biellese
Sandro Botticelli e bottega, Venere
CASALE MONFERRATO, Museo Civico e Gipsoteca Leonardo Bistolfi
Nicolò Musso, Cristo che porta la croce al Calvario
CUNEO, Complesso Monumentale di San Francesco - Museo Civico
Pompeo Batoni, Ercole fra la virtù e la voluttà
Pompeo Batoni, Enea fugge da Troia
Anton Raphael Mengs, San Pietro in cattedra
DOMODOSSOLA, Civico Museo di Palazzo San Francesco
Francesco Solimena, La cacciato di Eliodoro dal Tempio
IVREA, Museo Civico Pier Alessandro Garda
Giovanni Martino Spanzotti, Adorazione dei Magi
NOVARA, Galleria d’Arte Moderna Paolo e Adele Giannoni
Giovanni Maria Crespi detto il Cerano, San Francesco e il beato Carlo Borromeo in preghiera davanti alla statua dellaMadonna presso San Celso a Milano
SALUZZO, Museo Civico Casa Cavassa
Giovanni Baglione,San Pietro col gallo
VARALLO, Pinacoteca
Gaudenzio Ferrari, Crocifissione
VERBANIA, Villa Giulia
Jules-Cesar-Denis Van Loo, Dintorni della Venaria Reale con effetto di tramonto
Jules-Cesar-Denis Van Loo, Dintorni di Torino con effetto d’aurora
Gaudenzio Ferrari, San Giovanni Battista
Gaudenzio Ferrari, San Pietro e un donatore
Giovanni Antonio Bazzi detto ilSodoma, Morte di Lucrezia

Dal 26 febbraio 2025 al 05 maggio 2025 Venezia | Museo Fortuny
Dal 01 marzo 2025 al 29 giugno 2025 Torino | Museo Storico Nazionale d’Artiglieria dell’Esercito – Mastio della Cittadella
Dal 27 febbraio 2025 al 29 giugno 2025 Milano | Palazzo Reale
Dal 28 febbraio 2025 al 09 giugno 2025 Roma | Accademia di Francia a Roma – Villa Medici
Dal 22 febbraio 2025 al 29 giugno 2025 Forlì | Museo Civico San Domenico
Dal 21 febbraio 2025 al 29 giugno 2025 Rovigo | Palazzo Roverella