udaica pedemontana: books and silver from collecttions of Piedmont

Judaica pedemontana: libri e argenti da collezione piemontesi


From 13 Febbraio 2015 to 06 Aprile 2015


Place: Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria of Turin

Address: piazza Carlo Alberto 3

Times: Monday to Friday 9am-06pm; Saturday 9am-01pm

Responsibles: Andrea De Pasquale

Ticket price: free entrance

Telefono per informazioni: +39 011 8101111

E-Mail info: bu-to@beniculturali.it

Official site: http://www.beniculturaliebraici.it

In collaboration with the Foundation for Cultural Heritage in Italy the Jewish Library organizes the exhibition "Judaica pedemontana: books and silver from collecttions of Piedmont". It aims to make known to the public for the first time the extraordinary fund volumes Jewish Library, next to which there will be silver and antique textiles Jewish owned by institutions and individuals that recall the content or geographical origin of the books on display . As part of the exhibition, March 27, 2015 will host an International Symposium on the collecting of Jewish books in Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.