A. Ve. M. Arte Vetraria Muranese

Vaso in vetro blu con fascia a spira dorata, con effetti cromatici dovuti a speciali reazioni su metalli Venezia, A.Ve.M., disegno di Giulio Radi


From 10 Ottobre 2015 to 31 Gennaio 2016


Place: Museo del Vetro

Address: Fondamenta Giustinian 8, Murano

Times: 10am-05pm

Responsibles: Chiara Squarcina, Lutz Holz


  • Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia

Ticket price: full € 10, reduced € 7.50

Telefono per informazioni: +39 041 5274718

E-Mail info: museo.vetro@fmcvenezia.it

Official site: http://museovetro.visitmuve.it/

The history of the A.VE.M. – Arte Vetraria Muranese, founded in the 1930s by Antonio and Egidio Ferro, Emilio Nason and Giulio Radi, is told through the glass items belonging to the important collection of Lutz Holz, who has been collection the most significant examples of historic glassware from Murano for years.
This wide-ranging, important 20th-century nucleus offers a comprehensive overview of one particular company which, through artists like Zecchin and Radi, made a fundamental contribution to the introduction of design into the world of glassmaking.
The relationship between master glassmakers and designers constitutes an important chapter in the history of glassmaking, which renews itself be re-interpreting the aesthetic evolutions of the 20th century as the they trace out the new artistic forms through the decorative arts. Essential in form and innovative for the new colour effects, these glass objects displayed here constitute examples of some of the finest glass production of the Art Nouveau period.