Drawings of the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries. From Hayez to Vedova

Disegni dell’Ottocento e del Novecento. Da Hayez a Vedova, Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venezia
From 11 Ottobre 2014 to 11 Gennaio 2015
Place: Gallerie dell'Accademia
Address: Campo della Carità, Dorsoduro 1050
Times: Monday 8.15 am - 02 pm; Tuesday to Sunday 8.15 am - 07.15 pm
Responsibles: Annalisa Perissa
- Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo
- Soprintendenza speciale per il Patrimonio Storico Artistico ed Etnoantropologico e per il Polo museale della città di Venezia e dei comuni della Gronda lagunare
Ticket price: full € 11, reduced € 8, free under 18 yrs.
Telefono per informazioni: +39 041 5200345
E-Mail info: info@gallerieaccademia.org
Official site: http://www.gallerieaccademia.org
The exhibition, scheduled as part of the Fund's valuation graph of the Cabinet of Drawings and Prints of the Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice, by Annalisa Perissa, Director of the Cabinet of Drawings, offers a careful selection of the approximately 110 of 300 sheets of the permanent collection belonging to the nineteenth century and the twentieth century. An unprecedented exhibition devoted to the designs of art and architecture: an opportunity to recognize the trait of the Charter of the greatest Italian artists in an overview of all original; for the nineteenth century are exhibited drawings by artists such as Francesco Hayez, Andrea Appiani, Giuseppe Bossi, Khosrow Dusi, Vincenzo Camuccini, Pelagius Pelagi Joung and William Ottley, and 30 unpublished studies of architecture, floor plans, elevations, facades, sections of religious buildings designed by the architect and civil Bergamo Giacomo Quarenghi, of which the bottom Venetian retains 541 sheets.
The twentieth century is represented by 10 unpublished drawings by artists of the past century: Emilio Vedova, John Previati, Giuseppe Santomaso, Armand Rassenfosse and 16 eliocopie Venetian architect Carlo Scarpa.
Most of the leaves exposed, usually never visible to the public, but kept to the absolute darkness, inside the air-conditioned vaults and armored vehicles have been restored for the occasion. The exhibition begins with an operation dedicated to the systematic cataloging of the collection of drawings, which began in 1982 in compliance with the school division in which the nucleus of the collection, which belonged to Giuseppe Bossi, he entered the Academy in 1822.
Among the 96 trials graphic display of the nineteenth century there are also an important group of unpublished sketches, executed in oils by Vincent Camuccini, the series of Andrea Appiani, the beautiful female figures of Chosroes Dusi, spreadsheets William Ottley, the four portraits of Silvio Giulio Route depicting alienated many of the asylum of San Servolo, interesting historical and social documentation. The six preparatory studies for the painting of Francesco Hayez The destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, already donated to the Gallery in 1868 by the artist himself, are shown for comparison with the painting itself. Of the 541 drawings by the architect Giacomo Quarenghi, famous for his work in Russia, were selected thirty studies of architecture, floor plans, elevations, get up.
The intense study of Henry Noah and his careful and painstaking research led to the identification of authorship of various works, including those by the architect Lorenzo Santi, author of all 195 drawings, the classification of the different hands and assigned to the leaves of the unreleased 'Album 5 pounds, the identification of documents of purchases of the designs of Emilio Vedova and Joseph Santomaso four unpublished studies, like the rest of the bottom graph of the twentieth century, content for quantity, but important for quality and innovation. And 'in fact still quite rare to see designs of the twentieth century the subject of an exhibition dedicated exclusively to works on paper, an interesting documentation of the attention paid to the design also by artists of the last century.
It must be the Minister Giuseppe Bottai, and the Office for Contemporary Art set up by him, the impetus given to the acquisition of modern designs, which led to the superintendent in Venice Vittorio Moschini, in the tumultuous period of the war, to acquire drawings by artists living; so bought some designs directly by two young artists then newcomers, then become famous, two drawings by Giuseppe Santomaso and two by Emilio Vedova. One depicts a portrait of a man who Gazzari Fabrizio, Director of the Foundation and Annabianca Emilio Vedova, has been identified in young South Tyrolean artist Hermann friend of Emilio Pircher, and extrapolated excerpts from the diary recounting the birth of an intimate friendship, finished "badly" - writes Widow - "I threw a shoe on her head ... And decided to leave .... I do not see him again for years."
The 16 eliocopie architect Carlo Scarpa have never been exhibited before, and are of particular interest since they are all projects for the Gallerie dell'Accademia, there remained at the end of the work in 1959 Five tables give also autograph annotations graphite, drawn up under review; one dedicated to the easel for the display of the painting depicting the Piazzetta Guess, also shows the use of colored crayons to highlight some details. The panel exhibition designed by architect has now been restored and displayed next to its graphic design studio.
On this occasion, exhibited and cataloged here are five new acquisitions made during the year, thanks to donations and purchases. The designs enhance the collection, integrating both the bottom and figiniano Genoese, is bringing new examples of artists to the Veneto area not represented in the collection so far.
The catalog, edited by Annalisa Perissa, published by Electa in the thirteenth volume series "Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice. Catalog antique designs," contains tabs and essays by scholars of the period and brings a fundamental contribution to the knowledge of the graphics of the Italian 'era, yet to rediscover and deepen, as well as the extraordinary legacy of the graphic collection of the Cabinet of Drawings and Prints of the Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice.
The twentieth century is represented by 10 unpublished drawings by artists of the past century: Emilio Vedova, John Previati, Giuseppe Santomaso, Armand Rassenfosse and 16 eliocopie Venetian architect Carlo Scarpa.
Most of the leaves exposed, usually never visible to the public, but kept to the absolute darkness, inside the air-conditioned vaults and armored vehicles have been restored for the occasion. The exhibition begins with an operation dedicated to the systematic cataloging of the collection of drawings, which began in 1982 in compliance with the school division in which the nucleus of the collection, which belonged to Giuseppe Bossi, he entered the Academy in 1822.
Among the 96 trials graphic display of the nineteenth century there are also an important group of unpublished sketches, executed in oils by Vincent Camuccini, the series of Andrea Appiani, the beautiful female figures of Chosroes Dusi, spreadsheets William Ottley, the four portraits of Silvio Giulio Route depicting alienated many of the asylum of San Servolo, interesting historical and social documentation. The six preparatory studies for the painting of Francesco Hayez The destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, already donated to the Gallery in 1868 by the artist himself, are shown for comparison with the painting itself. Of the 541 drawings by the architect Giacomo Quarenghi, famous for his work in Russia, were selected thirty studies of architecture, floor plans, elevations, get up.
The intense study of Henry Noah and his careful and painstaking research led to the identification of authorship of various works, including those by the architect Lorenzo Santi, author of all 195 drawings, the classification of the different hands and assigned to the leaves of the unreleased 'Album 5 pounds, the identification of documents of purchases of the designs of Emilio Vedova and Joseph Santomaso four unpublished studies, like the rest of the bottom graph of the twentieth century, content for quantity, but important for quality and innovation. And 'in fact still quite rare to see designs of the twentieth century the subject of an exhibition dedicated exclusively to works on paper, an interesting documentation of the attention paid to the design also by artists of the last century.
It must be the Minister Giuseppe Bottai, and the Office for Contemporary Art set up by him, the impetus given to the acquisition of modern designs, which led to the superintendent in Venice Vittorio Moschini, in the tumultuous period of the war, to acquire drawings by artists living; so bought some designs directly by two young artists then newcomers, then become famous, two drawings by Giuseppe Santomaso and two by Emilio Vedova. One depicts a portrait of a man who Gazzari Fabrizio, Director of the Foundation and Annabianca Emilio Vedova, has been identified in young South Tyrolean artist Hermann friend of Emilio Pircher, and extrapolated excerpts from the diary recounting the birth of an intimate friendship, finished "badly" - writes Widow - "I threw a shoe on her head ... And decided to leave .... I do not see him again for years."
The 16 eliocopie architect Carlo Scarpa have never been exhibited before, and are of particular interest since they are all projects for the Gallerie dell'Accademia, there remained at the end of the work in 1959 Five tables give also autograph annotations graphite, drawn up under review; one dedicated to the easel for the display of the painting depicting the Piazzetta Guess, also shows the use of colored crayons to highlight some details. The panel exhibition designed by architect has now been restored and displayed next to its graphic design studio.
On this occasion, exhibited and cataloged here are five new acquisitions made during the year, thanks to donations and purchases. The designs enhance the collection, integrating both the bottom and figiniano Genoese, is bringing new examples of artists to the Veneto area not represented in the collection so far.
The catalog, edited by Annalisa Perissa, published by Electa in the thirteenth volume series "Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice. Catalog antique designs," contains tabs and essays by scholars of the period and brings a fundamental contribution to the knowledge of the graphics of the Italian 'era, yet to rediscover and deepen, as well as the extraordinary legacy of the graphic collection of the Cabinet of Drawings and Prints of the Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice.
giuseppe santomaso ·
emilio vedova ·
francesco hayez ·
cosroe dusi ·
andrea appiani ·
giacomo quarenghi ·
giuseppe bossi ·
vincenzo camuccini ·
pelagio pelagi ·
william joung ottley ·
giovanni previati ·
armand rassenfosse ·
carlo scarpa e al ·
francesco hayez andrea appiani giuseppe bossi cosroe dusi vincenzo camuccini pelagio pelagi wi ·
carlo scarpa and oth

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