Hélène Kuhn Ferruzzi. In the rhythm of color. Dance of colors and textures

From 28 Marzo 2015 to 03 Giugno 2015
Place: Palazzo Mocenigo
Address: Santa Croce 1992
Times: 10am-05pm; closed on Monday
Ticket price: full € 8, reduced € 5.50, schools € 4
Telefono per informazioni: +39 041 721798
E-Mail info: mocenigo@fmcvenezia.it
Official site: http://mocenigo.visitmuve.it
Loved by the Venetians as well as from a wide international audience, fabrics Hélène Kuhn Ferruzzi live for years in the lagoon city naturally, children of the same sensitivity to light and music forms. The meeting and the exhibition In the rhythm of color is the story of an artistic research.
For the first time collected in a book and put on display at Palazzo Mocenigo, with an amazing sequence of great chromatic energy, follow each other cottons, silks, velvets, linens, notebooks of cloth fastened with speed shorthand, tapestries in dialogue with city, it almost had the bright counterpoint. The texts of the book are by Cecilia Gualazzini.
Hélène Kuhn was born in Nancy, France, from a family of musicians.
At 21, during a study experience in England, he met the painter Venetian Bobo Ferruzzi. Born a bond that will last a lifetime and leading Hélène in Venice, where he devoted himself to the study of singing and is part of the group of madrigalists the Centre for Early Music of Padua.
When Bobo offers her to learn to paint on fabric and teaches the technique to mold, starts a research on the color that will soon become a professional and all-encompassing artistic.
The fabrics of Hélène were exposed at the Musée de l'Impression sur étoffes of Mulhouse in Alsace and in Paris, Milan, Rotterdam, Brussels, Gothenburg, Toronto, New York, Sion, London.
For the first time collected in a book and put on display at Palazzo Mocenigo, with an amazing sequence of great chromatic energy, follow each other cottons, silks, velvets, linens, notebooks of cloth fastened with speed shorthand, tapestries in dialogue with city, it almost had the bright counterpoint. The texts of the book are by Cecilia Gualazzini.
Hélène Kuhn was born in Nancy, France, from a family of musicians.
At 21, during a study experience in England, he met the painter Venetian Bobo Ferruzzi. Born a bond that will last a lifetime and leading Hélène in Venice, where he devoted himself to the study of singing and is part of the group of madrigalists the Centre for Early Music of Padua.
When Bobo offers her to learn to paint on fabric and teaches the technique to mold, starts a research on the color that will soon become a professional and all-encompassing artistic.
The fabrics of Hélène were exposed at the Musée de l'Impression sur étoffes of Mulhouse in Alsace and in Paris, Milan, Rotterdam, Brussels, Gothenburg, Toronto, New York, Sion, London.

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