Marcello Morandini. Art Architectures

Marcello Morandini, Struttura 463C, 2005, legno laccato nero


From 21 Maggio 2016 to 10 Settembre 2016


Place: Marignana Arte

Address: Dorsoduro 141

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ART as knowledge and cultural enrichment, ARCHITECTURE as habitat and utopia, DESIGN as ergonomics, function and identity. An ensemble of visual experiments and environmental works, gradually arisen over the years, worldwide, in part exhibited in the leading cultural venues in Europe, America, Australia, Japan. The outcome of a “Calvinist” research performed with the heart, in the known and unknown meanders of the obvious, that in time marked the character and cultural quality of my life as well.
After maturing the basic idea, I assign the development of the work to the certainty of mathematics, the balance of scientifically controlled formal relations: rhythms and volumes, along with the alternation of black and white, offer an unlimited multiplication of works that contain the very key to their extension.
In my works I explore various kinds of themes and movement in space, such as torsion, tension, expansion, superimposition and transpose them in the world of geometry, using two- dimensional and three-dimensional language.
My artistic research has allowed me in time to discover completed forms and sculptures that first unknowingly and then consciously had and have in their making, in addition to their private formal cultural enjoyment, a concrete and unpredictable architectural vitality. Several examples are clearly visible in photographic processes and original art works that in time have unequivocally demonstrated their evident, twofold and extraordinary vocation.
Marcello Morandini 

Opening 21 May 6 PM