Stratagems in Architecture: Hong Kong in Venice

Mr. SIU Kwok Kin, Stanley_First Confession


From 27 Maggio 2016 to 27 Novembre 2016


Place: Campo della Tana

Address: Castello 2126

Responsibles: Stanley SIU, Aden CHAN, Sunny YUNG, Kwok Kin So, Kenneth TSE, Angus NGAI, Paul Yip


  • Fondazione per la Biennale dell’Istituto degli Architetti di Hong Kong (HKIABF)
  • Comitato per lo Sviluppo dell’Arte di Hong Kong
  • Con il patrocinio di Create Hong Kong (CreateHK)
  • Regione ad Amministrazione Speciale di Hong Kong (HKSAR)

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The Hong Kong Exhibition in the 15th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia (Venice Biennale) - will be opened on 27th May 2016 in Venice (Preview period: 26-27th May). In view of Hong Kong’s distinctive social climate as well as unique urban challenges and public needs – 17 young architects and artists, including Mr Stanley SIU, Chief Curator of the Hong Kong Exhibition, will take the stage in Venice to address these challenges - from the community’s desire for conservation and environmental protection to the crave for space and proper urban planning. Inspired by the ancient Chinese military strategies “The 36 Stratagems”, 13 exhibits will form the Hong Kong Exhibition entitled “Stratagems in Architecture: Hong Kong in Venice”

Media Preview of the exhibition will be held at 2pm on 27th May, followed by the Opening Ceremony at 4:30 pm. An Opening Symposium will also be held at the Hong Kong Exhibition venue at 1pm on 28th May 2016. The exhibition runs from 28th May 2016 to 27th Nov 2016 (Preview period: 26th – 27th May). 

Responding to the Venice Biennale’s theme of “REPORTING FROM THE FRONT”, which encourages all to share constraints and challenges, believing that collective wisdom could spark fresh imagination and break new grounds, the Hong Kong curatorial team hopes that through their exhibits, they can show the world how Hong Kong young architects and artists break norms and test the limit of the city in an attempt to unleash Hong Kong’s unique vitality and imagination. 

Sponsored by Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and with the Hong Kong Institute of Architects as partner, the Hong Kong Exhibition is co-organised by The Hong Kong Institute of Architects Biennale Foundation and the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. 

You and your representatives are cordially invited to join the Media Preview of the Hong Kong Exhibition on 27th May, hosted by the Hong Kong curatorial team, and to attend the grand opening followed by the Media Preview. Details of the Media Preview and the Opening Ceremony are as follows: 

Time | Programme

11:15 - 11:30 am

- Media preview registration

11:30 - 12:15 pm 

- Media preview session – hosted by Curatorial Team*

4:15 – 4:30 pm

-  Guest and Media registration
-  Cocktail Reception

4:30 – 5:15 pm

-  Welcoming address & speeches by Officiating Guests*
-  Introduction and Highlights of Exhibition by Curatorial Team
-  Toasting
-  Group Photos

*Details attached 

Opening Symposium
Media representatives are also welcomed to join the Opening Symposium in the afternoon of 28th May, 2016. The Symposium will share the experience and challenges faced by young architects in the Asia-Pacific region. 

Date: 28th May, 2016 (Saturday)
Venue: Campo della Tana, Castello 2126, 30122 Venice, Italy (opposite the main entrance of Arsenale)

Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Symposium 1: The Frontier of Young Architects in Asia
Synopsis: Gathering young architects in the Asia-Pacific region, the session aims to initiate an intellectual sharing on the challenges and difficulties of working among various “Frontiers”. By exploring the collaboration opportunities between countries, we hope to discuss the value and self-identity of being an architect today.
Speakers: Curators and exhibitors of selected Asia-Pacific pavilions/exhibitions with the Chief Curator of Hong Kong Exhibition, Mr. Stanley Siu. 

Time: 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm 
Symposium 2: Sharing by Hong Kong Curators and Exhibitors

Speakers: Curators and exhibitors of Hong Kong Exhibition


The Hong Kong Institute of Architects Biennale Foundation
The Hong Kong Institute of Architects Biennale Foundation is a nonprofit making organization established and incorporated in 2014 for charitable purposes. The objects for which the Biennale Foundation is established are:  To promote creativity and advance the understanding, appreciation and interest of architectural and design excellence; To encourage cross-border and cross disciplinary dialogue and collaboration between creative professionals from Hong Kong, Greater China region and oversea; To support art, design, architectural and cultural education for students and youth, the community, and policy makers; To create a favourable environment for study, research and experimentation of design, art and architectural works in an exhibition scale; To energise and revitalize specific sites of interests by introduction of cultural and creative events. ​ Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Established in 1995, the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) is a statutory body set up by the Government to support the broad development of the arts in Hong Kong. The major roles of HKADC are to fund, support and promote the broad development of the arts including literary arts, performing arts, visual arts as well as film and media arts in Hong Kong. Aiming to foster a thriving arts environment and enhancing the quality of life of the public, the HKADC is also committed to facilitating community wide participation in the arts and arts education, encouraging arts criticism, enhancing arts administration and strengthening the work on cultural policy research. The HKADC has taken part in the Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition since 2006. 

Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) is a dedicated office set up by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to spearhead the development of Hong Kong’s creative industries. Set up in June 2009, CreateHK co-ordinates the Government policy regarding creative industries, focuses Government’s resources catering for the promotion and speeding up of the development of creative industries in Hong Kong, and works closely with the trade to boost the development of creative industries. CreateHK has been sponsoring the Hong Kong Exhibition of the Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition since 2010 to promote the Hong Kong architecture sector.