Fattorie Garofalo

- Address: Via Santa Maria Capua Vetere 121
- E-Mail: r.garofalo@fattoriegarofalo.it
- Phone#: 0823 620044
- Opening: Every day from 8 am to 1.30 pm and from 4 pm to 8.30 pm
We are in the heartland of Campania buffalo mozzarella, which enjoys protected-designation-of-origin (DOP) status. Here, the Fattorie Garofalo cheese-works shop sells every buffalo-milk delicacy you can imagine, from organic mozzarellas, to ovoline (small oval mozzarellas), bocconcini (mini mozzarellas), plaited treccia mozzarellas, butter and ricotta. The products could not be fresher, because they are prepared directly on site and can be purchased every day, including Sunday.