Benvenuto Cellini
Florence 03/11/1500 - Florence 13/02/1571

| Benvenuto Cellini
Benvenuto Cellini, (b. Nov. 1, 1500, Florence—d. Feb. 13, 1571, Florence), Florentine sculptor, goldsmith, and writer, one of the most important Mannerist artists and, because of the lively account of himself and his period in his autobiography, one of the most picturesque figures of the Renaissance.Cellini, resisting the efforts of his father to train him as a musician, was apprenticed as a metalworker in the studio of the Florentine goldsmith Andrea di Sandro Marcone. Banished to Siena as a result of a brawl in 1516, he returned to Florence during 1517–19 and then moved to Rome ...
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