Giovanni Fattori
Livorno 06/09/1825 - Florence 30/08/1908

| Giovanni Fattori, Autoritratto, 1854, Olio su tela, cm. 59x46.5, Firenze, Galleria d’arte moderna di Palazzo Pitti
Giovanni Fattori (September 6, 1825 – August 30, 1908) was an Italian artist, one of the leaders of the group known as the Macchiaioli. He was initially a painter of historical themes and military subjects. In his middle years, inspired by the Barbizon school, he became one of the leading Italian plein-airists, painting landscapes, rural scenes, and scenes of military life. After 1884, he devoted much energy to etching.
Fattori was born in modest circumstances in Livorno. His early education was rudimentary and his family initially planned for him to study for a qualification in commerce ...
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