Antonio Allegri (Correggio)
Correggio 08/1489 - Correggio 05/03/1534

| Antonio Allegri, detto il Correggio, possibile autoritratto
Correggio, byname of Antonio Allegri (b. August 1494, Correggio, Modena—d. March 5, 1534, Correggio), most important Renaissance painter of the school of Parma, whose late works influenced the style of many Baroque and Rococo artists. His first important works are the convent ceiling of S. Paolo (c. 1519), Parma, depicting allegories on Humanist themes, and the frescoes in S. Giovanni Evangelista, Parma (1520–23), and the cathedral of Parma (1526–30). The “Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine” (c. 1526) is among the finest of his poetic late oil paintings ...
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