Giovan Battista Gaulli (Il Baciccio)
Genoa 08/05/1639 - Rome 02/04/1709

| Giovan Battista Gaulli
Giovanni Battista Gaulli (May 8, 1639 – April 2, 1709), also known as Baciccio, Il Baciccio or Baciccia (all Genoese nicknames for Giovanni Battista), was a painter of the Italian High Baroque verging onto that of the Rococo. He is best known for his grand, Gianlorenzo Bernini-influenced illusionistic vault fresco in the church of the Gesù in Rome.
Gaulli was born in Genoa, where his parents died from the plague of 1657. He initially apprenticed with Luciano Borzone. In mid-17th century, Gaulli's Genoa was a cosmopolitan Italian artistic center open to both commercial and artistic ...
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