Giovanni Battista Piranesi (Giambattista)

Mogliano Veneto 04/10/1720 - Rome 03/11/1778

© | Pietro Labruzzi (1739 - 18059, Ritratto postumo di Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720 - 1778), 1779, Olio su tela, 74 x 72 cm, Museo di Roma (Palazzo Braschi)

Piranesi, Giovanni Battista - Italian etcher, archaeologist and architect. He was born in Venice and was active in Rome from 1740. He was famous for his poetic views of Rome and also his fantastic imaginary interiors. Trained in Venice as an engineer and architect, his studies had included perspective and stage design. These skills, allied to his deep knowledge of archaeology, provided the substance for his Vedute (Views), a series of 135 etchings of ancient and contemporary Rome, published from 1745 onwards, which established the popular mental image of the city. Piranesi's image was a thoroughly ...

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