Giovanni Lanfranco
Parma 26/01/1582 - Rome 30/11/1647

| Lanfranco Giovanni
Giovanni Lanfranco, also called Giovanni di Steffano or Il Cavaliere Giovanni Lanfranchi (b. Jan. 26, 1582, Parma [Italy]—d. Nov. 30, 1647, Rome), Italian painter, an important follower of the Bolognese school.
He was a pupil of Agostino Carracci in Parma (1600–02) and later studied with Annibale Carracci in Rome. A decisive influence on his work, however, was not just the Baroque classicism of the Carracci brothers but the dynamic illusionism of the dome paintings in Parma by Correggio. Lanfranco translated Correggio’s 16th-century style into a Roman Baroque idiom ...
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