Catacombs of Domitilla
Appia Antica, Aventino, Ostiense

- Location: Catacombs of Domitilla
- Address: Via delle Sette Chiese
- E-Ticketing WWW:
- E-Mail:
- Phone#: 06 5110342
- Booking phone#: 06 5110342
- Opening: Everyday from 9am to 12pm, and from 2pm to 5 m
- Price: full € 8 reduced € 5
- Transportation: Metro: line B, station Circo Massimo
- Visit lasts: 1 hour (about)
- Services:
These are the most extensive catacombs in Rome. They cover three levels stretching out over 15 kilometers. They were built in the Third Century on the property of Flavia Domitilla, the nephew of Vespasian, from whom they get there name. Among the masterpieces found here are the Cubicolo of the Fornai(the Bakers' Cubicle) and the wall painting Madonna col Bambino e Quattro Magi (Madonna with the Baby Jesus and the Four Magi). Underground, it is also possible to enter the Basilica of Saints Nereo and Achilleo, built upon the tombs of these martyrs of the Third Century, abandoned after the earthquake of 897 which destroyed it and rediscoverd in 1874.
A few hundred meters away, on via Ardeatina, are the sadly famous Fosse Ardeatine (the Mass Graves of Ardeatine).
A few hundred meters away, on via Ardeatina, are the sadly famous Fosse Ardeatine (the Mass Graves of Ardeatine).