Domus Aurea
San Giovanni, Esquilino, Monti

- Location: Domus Aurea
- Address: Via della Domus Aurea, 1
- E-Ticketing WWW:
- Phone#: +39 06 399 67 700
- Booking E-Mail:
- Opening: Tuesday - Friday from 10am to 4pm
- Price: Entry only with educational visit (reservations required)
- Transportation: Metro: Line B station Colosium
Bus: 85, 87, 175, 810, 850 - Visit lasts: 1 hour (about)
- Services:
This was the great palazzo-villa of Emperor Nero, which he built after the fire of 64 B.C., in an area of about one square-mile between Celio, the Esquiline and the Palatine. Besides the Palace, there was a large garden with an artificial lake upon which was built the Colosseum by the Flavi. Today, the excavated part of the Palace corresponds to about 300x100 meters, in which it is possible to admire the garden and its colonnade, a nymphaeum and the famed Hall of the Golden Vault.
THINGS TO KNOW: The term grotesque, referring to the decorations that came into vogue during the Renaissance, comes from the fortuitous discovery in 1480 of the “grottoes” on the Esquiline that many artists visited: they were none other than the halls of the Domus Aurea.