Piazza del Quirinale
San Giovanni, Esquilino, Monti

- Location: Piazza del Quirinale
- Address: Via del Quirinale
- Visit lasts: 1 hour (about)
- Services:
Known since the Middle Ages as “Monte Cavallo” because of the statues of the Dioscuri, taken from the baths of Constantine, moved many times, lastly at the fountain by Raffaele Stern (1818), in the piazza are the buildings Palazzo della Consulta (home to the Constitutional Court), built by Ferdinando Fuga (1732-34); Palazzo Pallavicini Rospigliosi, which was built on the ancient baths of Constantine, inside of which are the frescoes of Guido Reni including the Aurora (1614; visits are permitted the first day of every month except January from 10a.m.-12p.m./3p.m.-5p.m.); Palazzo del Quirinale and the Scuderie (today, home to temporary exhibitions).