Mosaic of the Apse

San Giovanni, Esquilino, Monti

Mosaic of the Apse
È uno dei capolavori del Duecento romano, sottoposto a un restauro radicale durante i lavori di rifacimento dell’abside curati da Francesco Vespignani alla fine del XIX secolo. Vi sono rappresentati Cristo e gli Angeli, la Croce Gemmata, la Gerusalemme celeste, i Santi Giovanni, Andrea, Antonio da Padova, Francesco d’Assisi, Pietro e Paolo e la Vergine Maria in compagnia di papa Niccolò IV, committente dell’opera.

One of the masterpieces of Second Century Rome, but it was completely remounted during the renovation of the apse in the 1800s by Francesco Vespignani for Leo XIII, undergoing intense restoration, The work depicts Christ and the Angels, Gem-Encrusted Cross, Celestial Jerusalem, Saint John, Sant'Andrea, Saint Anthony of Padova, San Francesco d’Assisi, the Virgin with Pope Nicholas IV [who commissioned the work]and Saints Peter and Paul.
THINGS TO KNOW: Between the windows, besides nine of the apostles, are portraits of Friar Jacopo da Camerino, on the right, and of  Jacopo Torriti the artist on the left.