Borghese Gallery
Roma, Piazzale del Museo Borghese 5
- Address: Piazzale del Museo Borghese 5
- E-Ticketing WWW:
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- Phone#: +39 06 32810
- Booking E-Mail:
- Booking phone#: +39 06 32810
- Price: full € 11 - reduced € 6,50
- Transportation: Metro Line a: station Flaminio or Spagna.
Bus lines: 15, 19, 52, 53, 63, 86, 88, 92, 95, 116, 204, 217, 231, 360,490, 491, 495, 630, 910, 926 - Visit lasts: 1 hour e 30 minutes (about)
The villa was built outside the Pinciana in the sixteenth century with the accumulation of possessions of the Borghese family, which became the beginning of the '600 most powerful rise to the papal throne of Pope Paul V (1605-21). The architectural commission (Flaminio Ponzio and Giovanni Vasanzio, 1607-1613) and the acquisition of works of art were taken by his nephew Cardinal Scipione, who often made ??use of any device in order to get hold of important paintings. From 1770 the building was completely renovated by Marcantonio IV Borghese Asprucci under the direction of Antonio and all the rooms were painted by different artists, including Mariano Rossi and Domenico Corvi. In 1902 the building was purchased by the State. The villa outside the Porta Pinciana was built in the sixteenth century with the accumulation of wealth of the Borghese family, which became immensely powerful at the beginning of the 1600s when Paolo V became Pope (1605-21). The building was commissioned (architects Flaminio Ponzio and Giovanni Vasanzio, 1607-1613) and its artworks were acquired by Cardinal Scipione (nephew to the Pope), who often used any means necessary to obtain important paintings. In 1770, the building was completely renovated by Marc’Antonio IV Borghese under the direction of Antonio Asprucci and all its room were decorated in frescoes by artists such as Mariano Rossi and Domenico Corvi. In1902, the building was purchased by the State.
The villa was built outside the Pinciana in the sixteenth century with the accumulation of possessions of the Borghese family, which became the beginning of the '600 most powerful rise to the papal throne of Pope Paul V (1605-21). The architectural commission (Flaminio Ponzio and Giovanni Vasanzio, 1607-1613) and the acquisition of works of art were taken by his nephew Cardinal Scipione, who often made ??use of any device in order to get hold of important paintings. From 1770 the building was completely renovated by Marcantonio IV Borghese Asprucci under the direction of Antonio and all the rooms were painted by different artists, including Mariano Rossi and Domenico Corvi. In 1902 the building was purchased by the State. The villa outside the Porta Pinciana was built in the sixteenth century with the accumulation of wealth of the Borghese family, which became immensely powerful at the beginning of the 1600s when Paolo V became Pope (1605-21). The building was commissioned (architects Flaminio Ponzio and Giovanni Vasanzio, 1607-1613) and its artworks were acquired by Cardinal Scipione (nephew to the Pope), who often used any means necessary to obtain important paintings. In 1770, the building was completely renovated by Marc’Antonio IV Borghese under the direction of Antonio Asprucci and all its room were decorated in frescoes by artists such as Mariano Rossi and Domenico Corvi. In1902, the building was purchased by the State.
THINGS TO KNOW: The Borghese Gallery, for all its spectacular art content, has a master's missing - Michelangelo. Scipione Borghese was only a small crucifix made ??by the artist, and that, unfortunately, disappeared.
Recommended by: Antonio Paolucci
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