Nobile Collegio del Cambio

Perugia, Corso Vannucci 25

“Nobile Collegio del Cambio” The Money-Exchange Guild Premises Built between 1452 and 1457 inside the new wing of Palazzo dei Priori of Perugia, it was the seat of the moneychangers. From the Hall of the Lawyers’ Guild, called Sala dei Legisti—with its court represented on the back wall, and the lateral wooden stalls inlaid and carved by Gian Pietro Zuccari—it is possible to enter into the Hall of Hearings, called Sala delle Udienze, which was a room destined for meetings and public reception. Half of the wall to the right is occupied by the court and by the counters executed by Domenico Tasso, while the rest of the walls host the cycle of frescoes of Pietro Vannucci, called Perugino, executed between 1498 and 1500. Inspired by an iconographic program of the Perugian humanist Francesco Maturanzio, the cycle depicts Mythological Figures—on the vaults—Greek and Roman Illustrious Personalities, the Liberal Arts, Sibyls and Prophets—on the left and on the right walls—while—on the back wall—the Christ Transfiguration and The Crèche are represented. From here, it is possible to enter the Chapel dedicated to St John the Baptist, decorated with the frescoes of Giannicola di Paolo.