
  • Artist: Palladio
  • Location: Udine,
  • Date: 1556 - 1556
The beginning of construction on the Palazzo Antonini is traditionally said to date to 1556, contemporaneous with the construction of the Arco Bollani. The patron was Floriano Antonini, a young and ambitious member of one of the most high-profile families of Udine aristocracy. Antonini did not hesitate to resurrect erudite traditions by minting a foundation medal for the Palazzo, probably desiring to demonstrate that sophisticated taste was not the exclusive prerogative of aristocratic circles in the capital. In 1559 the palace was already partially inhabitable, but in 1563 building works were still in progress. In the following century, at least two campaigns of works heavily altered the building’s appearance, going so far as to replace all the windows, except those to the right of the loggia on the back façade, as well as the internal staircases. In 1709 Martino Fischer executed the decorative ornaments, thereby contributing to the definitive transformation of the original Palladian interiors.

