Commissioned by the House of Savoy in the 18th century

The Citadel of Alessandria among the seven european sites in danger

La Cittadella di Alessandria  © Europa Nostra

E. Bramati


Alessandria - The seven winners of the conservation program "7 Most Endangered" for historical sites were revealed on May 4th, 2014, on the occasion of the Conference of Europa Nostra in Vienna.
Among them, the committee, which included historians, archaeologists, architects and scholars, selected the Citadel of Alessandria. In 2012, it was voted as the highest-placed monument in the census ‘Luoghi del Cuore” promoted by FAI.

This hexagonal fortress, established near the Tanaro river, spreads over 74 hectares, and was build after the Treaty of Utrecht (1713), when these marginal territories fell from the dominion of Spain under that of the House of Savoy.
Among the reasons that lead to this choice, there is not only its historical and cultural value, but also its potential in terms of social and economic development.

Restorers and financial experts of the European Investment, Bank, co-founder of the program, are now responsible for presenting preliminary plans for the renovation of this site. Meanwhile the government issued a call for tender for the public concession of the property.



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