Heinz Mack

© Heinz Mack


From 15 Settembre 2016 to 25 Novembre 2016


Place: Galleria Gentili

Address: Borgo Pinti 80/R

Responsibles: Helmut Friedel

Telefono per informazioni: +39 055 9060519

E-Mail info: info@galleriagentili.it

Official site: http://www.galleriagentili.it

Galleria Gentili is happy to announce that, after a long absence from the city, the gallery is moving back to Florence and is pleased to inaugurate the new space in Borgo Pinti 80/R with a solo show by Heinz Mack.
In 1957 Heinz Mack (born in 1931), together with Otto Piene, founded the artists’ collective ZERO in Düsseldorf. The group was joined in 1961 by Günter Uecker. Aiming to set themselves apart from the Tachisme and Art Informel of the day, these artists chose as their particular modes of expression light, monochrome paintwork, movement, serial structures, and performances that addressed the audience. Lucio Fontana, Yves Klein, Enrico Castellani, Piero Manzoni, and many more were among the artists allied to ZERO.
Heinz Mack came to the fore in the 1960s, with his huge relief structures and his columns of light erected in the sands of the desert. “His material” came to be aluminium foil, with its silvery shine and extreme light reflectivity.
Light as a direct mode of expression continues to be a defining characteristic of the style of Mack's works. The monochrome, serial structures found unique expression in his black and white works. Light is reduced to white, while black echoes this by providing depth, so that these pieces have the character of reliefs, even if they are simply created by frottage technique on paper.
Light also appears in the form of gleaming chromaticity, which retains the formal severity of the image’s structure. Mack's deeply seated propensity for Mediterranean light is perfectly expressed in the glowing shades of this saturated chromaticity. His studio in Ibiza is the site of his inspiration for this, and he also works in Mönchengladbach.
The exhibition shows works from both of these groups of work.