Un incontro. Pavel Grosu & Mihai Nutzu

Un incontro. Pavel Grosu & Mihai Nutzu


From 17 Gennaio 2017 to 04 Febbraio 2017


Place: Doris Ghetta Gallery

Address: via Ventura 6

Times: Wednesday to Saturday from h 4:00pm to 7:00pm or by appointment +39 393 9323927

Telefono per informazioni: +39 393 9323927

E-Mail info: info@galleriaghetta.com

Official site: http://www.dorisghetta.com

"The term “School of Cluj” is being used, with various meanings and tones, in various international art circles, largely referring to a certain approach to painting, characterized prominently by an option for the figurative, evocative register, a preference for vague historical or social references and an emphasis on the technical quality of the works, seen first and foremost as aesthetic objects.", writes curator Iacob Bogdan in one of his texts on Pavel Grosu. Both Grosu and Nutzu are figureheads of this type of painting.
The figurative paintings of Grosu often seem surrealist in their combination of elements. A man seems to drown knee deep in a swamp that turns out to be a tennis court. A spoon lets honey glide down on a partial nude that resembles Courbet's "The Origin of the World" (1866). Or Duchamp's "Etant Donné" (1946-66) since the body seems to be lying on a meadow. Despite their colorful palette the paintings often have a latent atmosphere of doomsday. Even more so the small format paintings of Mihai Nutzu. He drained them of everything except painting itself it seems. Though sometimes we see formations resembling Stonehenge or what looks like desert, wind and ocean in turmoil. Accordingly Nutzu reduced his pallet, which reinforces the impression of a lifeless landscape. Who said painting is not a suited medium for the post-human discourse?

Pavel Grosu was born in 1991 in the Republica Moldova, Sângerei, 1991, 3 March . He Works and lives in Cluj , Also working for His Phd. diploma 
Mihai Nutu is born in 1987. He studied art history and painting in the painting department of The university of Art and Design in Cluj. At the present moment he lives and works in Cluj and finishing his Phd. Studies

Vernissage: Tuesday, 17.01.2017 h 06-09pm