Donnadieux. Voir

Donnadieux, Mantic 42, 46x46 cm.


From 21 Gennaio 2017 to 25 Febbraio 2017


Place: Nero Gallery

Address: via Castruccio Castracane 9

Times: Tuesday to Sunday 04pm-08pm

Telefono per informazioni: +39 06 27801418

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Nero Gallery is pleased to present the first solo exhibition by the french artist  Donnadieux. This show is the most special artistic meeting and the best bet that the gallery has ever done.
About one year ago, during the preparation of the solo exhibition of Sicioldr, Donnadieux came to visit us. It was the first time that he showed his drawings to a gallery. We knew his works through social networks, but we didn't expect something at this level. Definitely the photos don't do justice to the live works.
Our meeting with Donnadieux made us understand how this artist is different from many others. Indeed it was not us who choose him, as usual, but he has chosen us.
At first sight we are amazed by the quality of his creation. It's hard to believe that these jewels are made through a simple pencil. They live and move before our eyes. The points of light dazzle us. The characters come out of the paper to tell us their stories, or rather the story of their creator. In these works we perceive a significant past, the loneliness, the perpetual struggle against darkness.
The drawing represents a way to escape realy for the artist, his therapy to reach oblivion. As a child, Donnadieux drew in the margins of his school pages, and he will always remain at the margin, of society this time. In early adulthood, the artist becomes hunter of psychedelic and psychic experiences increasingly extreme and his purpose will be, from that moment on, to represent these visions.
Donnadieux perfectly embodies the romantic myth of the artist: a genius tortured by the need to express the inexpressible. His works talk about this gentle violence, a geometric world ruled by chaos and fear. His worlds have no boundaries, they are peopled by sensual witches, demons, monks, zoomorphic beings and chimeras. From the darkness he gives birth to the beauty. And as Nietzsche said, "If thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee".
For the exhibition "Voir" Nero Gallery has selected 22 works created between 2014 and 2016. The drawings are all square-shaped, as this geometric shape is the model of the sacred enclosure and perfection. The title of his works is always the same: Mantic. Only the number that accompanies them varies depending on the time of their creation.
Mantic is the ancient art of divining the future, by interpreting signs of various kinds, such as human or animal behavior, natural phenomena, etc. This choice corresponds to his creative process. In fact, the artist doesn't use preparatory drawings, but waits his visions appear on the white sheet of paper and then shapes them, as in a trance.