Gianni Politi. Painting and sculpture

© Gianni Politi


From 06 Dicembre 2016 to 27 Gennaio 2017


Place: Lorcan O’Neill Gallery

Address: vicolo dei Catinari 3

Times: Tuesday to Saturday 11am-7pm

Telefono per informazioni: +39 06 6889-2980

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Official site:

Gianni Politi (b. Rome 1986) makes paintings - both abstract and figurative - which explore ways to confront and use the artistic wealth he inherited as a young Italian artist.
This exhibition includes large abstract paintings, great colour fields made by over-layering parts cut from other canvases to make a new whole; a series of paintings based on a portrait by Gaetano Gandolfi (Bologna 1734-1802); and a group of bronze wall works, casts from old wooden stretchers of discarded paintings, with keys of fancy marbles and woods.
In keeping with the museum-like installation of the show, a long bench for the centre of the gallery has been commissioned by the artist from architect Giuseppe Pasquali.
Gianni Politi has participated in numerous exhibitions, including his recent one-person show at the Galleria Nazionale in Rome, and a major presentation at the Nomas Foundation in Rome, 2015.