Influssi Lunari 2


From 17 Aprile 2015 to 04 Maggio 2015


Place: martinArte

Address: corso Siracusa 24a

Times: Mon 03.30-07.30pm; Tues 10am-12.30pm / 03-30-10pm; Wed-Thur-Fri 10am-12.30pm / 03.30-07.30pm

Responsibles: Paola Barbarossa

Ticket price: free entrance

Telefono per informazioni: +39 011 3433756

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Official site:

Always changing in its forms to inspire artists, elegantly cloaked in his capacity as silver to accompany sentimental souls, with its glow illuminates the direction of travelers, with its magnetism controls the tides, and then affects the seeding, on crops, in daily, in the sacred and the profane: we call it the Moon, many have chosen for her many titles to celebrate it. In mythological tradition was not enough to impersonate a single deity: to personify its phase of Full Moon, symbol of life, fertility, femininity and immortality was appealed Selene. For its phase of New Moon, invisible and therefore a symbol of death, but that is getting ready to be born and then a symbol of recovery, linked to the world of the supernatural and magic is personified in Hecate, goddess also associated with the underworld. Finally, in its third phase, the crescent moon that grows after being hidden, a symbol of rebirth, is personified by Apollo's sister Artemis ... With its multiplicity and different facets of this mysterious star has provided inspiration for this our second exhibition dedicated to her , assured that the artists will not have had a hard time to be guided by its charm ...
March 2015, Paola Barbarossa

Paola Barbarossa, Martina Barrottu, Carla Bertola, Mariella Bogliacino, Renato Brazzani, Gilda Brosio, Michelangelo Cambursano, Luigi Coppo, Davide De Agostini, Giovanni De Agostini, Guglielmo Durazzo, Danila Ghigliano, Mauro Lisardi, Olga Maggiora, Antonio Mascia, Fernando Montà, Bruno Orlandoni, Piera Paderni, Sonia Pizzeghello, Delfino Maria Rosso, Cosimo Savina, Johsua Sottile, Sergio Vasco, Claudio Vindigni, Alberto Vitacchio, Corrado Zecca