Art of This Century. Peggy Guggenheim in Photographs

© Dino Jarach | Dino Jarach, Peggy Guggenheim con l'opera "Arco di petali" di Alexander Calder, Biennale di Venezia, 1948


From 10 Giugno 2016 to 27 Novembre 2016


Place: Ikona Gallery

Address: Campo del Ghetto Nuovo 2909

Responsibles: Živa Kraus

Telefono per informazioni: +39 041 2405415

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From June 10th to November 27th 2016 at Ikona Gallery, Campo del Ghetto Nuovo 2909: “Peggy Guggenheim in Photographs”, curated by Živa Kraus. Organized by Peggy Guggenheim Collection and Ikona Gallery. Vernissage: June 9th at 5.00 p.m.

In the 500th anniversary year of the founding of the Ghetto of Venice, the historic gallerist Živa Kraus and her Ikona Gallery in the Campo del Ghetto Novo will present Peggy Guggenheim in Photographs. Peggy Guggenheim was very rarely the subject of painted portraits, but was frequently captured in photographs. A selection of approximately 20 images, primarily from the archives of the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, will render homage to this great patroness, a key figure in 20th century western art. Among the celebrated photographers whose photographs will be in the exhibition are Berenice Abbott, Man Ray, Roloff Beny, Gianni Berengo Gardin, and Gisèle Freund.