Arteam Cup 2015

Aqua Aura, The Net n° 3, 2015, stampa ai pigmenti di carbone su carta cotone, cm 60x90x8 – 3 ed.


From 24 Ottobre 2015 to 22 Novembre 2015


Place: Officina delle Zattere

Address: Fondamenta Nani | Dorsoduro 947

Telefono per informazioni: +39 019 4004123

E-Mail info:

Official site:

The contest, sponsored by the ARTEAM CULTURAL ASSOCIATION, has as main objective to give visibility to Arteam Members Artists and contribute to the professional development of those that the jury will select for the final exhibition. The intention is to enhance, promote and support emerging artists, particularly young artists.
The only requirement for participation is to be an Arteam Member Artist for 2015; attendance is free.
Arteam Cup is open to all artistic expressions: painting, drawing, photography, printmaking, sculpture, installation, new media art, etc. without any thematic constraint.
The nomination is made by sending a personal portfolio, as specified in the Regulations.
The final exhibition of the selected works will take place in Venice, from 24th October to 22th November 2015, in Officina delle Zattere (Fondamenta Nani, Dorsoduro 947), seat of the National Pavilion of Guatemala.