Gruppo Boiler. The ArtIst Touch

Françoise Calcagno, Venice Memory, 27.5 x 35.4" | Foto: © Osvaldo di Pietrantonio


From 18 Dicembre 2016 to 19 Marzo 2017


Place: Françoise Calcagno Art Studio

Address: Campo del Ghetto Novo 2918

Times: Tuesday to Saturday 10am-02pm

Responsibles: Doina Malanciuc

Telefono per informazioni: +39 041 5246039

E-Mail info:

Françoise Calcagno Art Studio is pleased to present ​"​The ArtIst Touch​"​, the ​11° Exhibition by the ​Boiler Group within the spaces of the Gallery, situated in the heart of the Jewish Ghetto, from ​December 18th, 2016 at 12:00​.
Carla Bagno, Françoise Calcagno, Anita M. Cerpelloni, Eva Espinosa, Mario Esposito, Caterina Fagan, Hélène Galante, Letizia Ghezzo, Luigino Longega, Irene Manente, Patrizia Milone, Rossella Pavan, Gabriele Perissinotto, Elena Perrone, Renzo Sbolci, Nicole Voicu, Silvia Zamengo
The touch, the sense that dominates the first human interactions with the surrounding world, is in this exhibition, curated by Doina Malanciuc, the main point of con-tact between the artists of Boiler Group and the visitors of "The Artist Touch ". A tactile exhibition focused on the rediscovery of the three-dimensionality of the artworks, of which the third dimension is related to the artist himself; and the need to regain a look which has become sterile in the artistic world that is the tangible substance through which the artistic impulse is expressed.
The idea that is intended to be highlighted with this exhibition, is the appreciation of one of the primordial senses of the human being. Therefore it becomes essential the need to expose and predispose to touch and cross contamination the artists and observers of the artworks. Touch and being touched, contaminate and being contaminated; that is how the public is understood as an integral part of the route in order to break down the invisible wall that causes to many a barren enjoyment of art.
Bruno Munari wrote: "All humans, at birth, are provided with a multi-sensorial apparatus, by nature. Over the years, much of this apparatus is atrophied because the individual, for the development of knowledge, gives the prevalence to logic and literature. It must be activated again, this apparatus that makes us know stairs of tactile values, sounds, thermic, material, hardness and softness, roughness and smoothness, of impenetrability, of balance and static, of lightness and heaviness, of fragility and solidity ... all values, which explained in words become complicated and almost incomprehensible topics." Active protagonist in the art of the twentieth century, he published in 1931 his book-work ​Tactile-Table​, ten years after the appearance of the ​Manifesto of Tactilism​ by Filippo Marinetti.
The ultimate goal of the exhibition is to place ourselves once again questions such as: "Why a piano shown in a Biennial cannot be played?"; or "Why a felt hanging on the wall can only be imagined as soft and warm, or rough and prickly?"; yet, very often, the artist creates his intervention with the intent to subject the visitor to an interactive journey and not a simple view of a relocated object.
It will be offered to visitors of the Françoise Calcagno Art Studio a sensory journey closely linked to the touch, where their presence is essential to complete the work of art and the artist's thought.