Nicola Pisano, (b. c. 1220, Apulia?—d. 1278/84, Pisa?), sculptor whose work, along with that of his son Giovanni and other artists employed in their workshops, created a new sculptural style for the late 13th and the 14th centuries in Italy. Pisano’s origins are unclear. He is first recorded in 1260 in Pisa (or perhaps 1259, if corrections are made for the medieval Pisan calendar), but documents of 1266 twice call him “Master Nicola from Apulia,” Apulia being the province located in the southeastern section of the Italian peninsula. While most scholars now accept ...
Biographies of: Nicola d'Apulia
See Also

Arnolfo Di Lapo
Colle di Val d'Elsa 1240 ca · Florence 1303 ca
Florence 1240 ca · Pisa 1302
Carlo Crivelli
Venice 1435 ca · Ascoli Piceno 1494 ca
Duccio di Buoninsegna
Siena 1255 ca · 1318 ca