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ARTISTI | Caravaggio

Michelangelo Merisi

1571 - 1610 Formatosi in patria con il bergamasco Simone Peterzano, si trasferì a Roma nel 1592 dove iniziò lavorando con pittori come Antiveduto Grammatica e il Cavalier d’Arpino. Ammalatosi, ... >
ARTISTI | Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso

1881 - 1973 >
ARTISTI | Michelangelo

Michelangelo Buonarroti

1475 - 1564 Fu scultore, pittore, architetto e poeta. Entrò dapprima nella bottega di Domenico Ghirlandaio (1488) e poco dopo nel circolo artistico del giardino di San Marco, patrocinato da Lorenzo il Magnifico. ... >
ARTISTI | Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh

1853 - 1890 Appartenente a una famiglia di orefici e mercanti d’arte, nacque da un pastore protestante. Nel 1869 iniziò a lavorare per la casa d’arte Goupil, per la quale realizzava riproduzioni ... >
ARTISTI | Andrea Mantegna

Andrea Mantegna

1431 - 1506 Formatosi nella bottega padovana dello Squarcione, viene a contatto con le novità dei toscani di passaggio (Filippo Lippi, Paolo Uccello, Andrea del Castagno, Donatello). Si distingue per la perfetta ... >

Guide d'autore


Toni Servillo

actor He was born in Afragola on 25 January 1959, but he soon moved with his family to Caserta. Here he began to take his first steps in the world of theatre, founding the Teatro Studio group, an extremely active ... >

Fabio Isman

Writer Fabio Isman, born in Monza to a family from Trieste, he lives in Rome. He has been a journalist forIl Messaggero for 40 years and has worked for the Piccolo and the Gazzettino as well. In Italy and abroad, ... >

Antonio Paolucci

Professor “I'm a lucky man, who has lived surrounded by beauty”.  Professor Antonio Paolucci, born in 1939 in Rimini to a family of antiquarians, but Roman by choice, art historian, was nominated ... >

Claudio Strinati

Historian and Art Critic Claudio Strinati was born in Rome in 1948. Art historian and critic, he is currently the Director of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities. He was art history inspector for the Ministry of Cultural ... >

Pepi Marchetti Franchi

art historian Pepi Marchetti, graduated “cum laude” in art history in Rome and got a masters in Visual Art Administration in New York, after working ten years at the Guggenheim of New York and Venice holding ... >


OPERE | Andrea Mantegna

Natura Morta

OPERE | Giorgio Morandi


Chiesa di Santa Maria presso San Satiro >
OPERE | Bramante


Duomo >
OPERE | Bramante


Chiesa di San Samuele >
OPERE | Bramante

Ritratto di Vecchio

Biblioteca Reale This is considered the only real portrait of the artist and it is still the image popularly associated with the great genius of the Renaissance. It dates back to the last years of Leonardo’s life, ... >



The history and the characters of Cannaregio

This is where once lived Tintoretto, Titian and Marco Polo, the Venetian merchant traveller who in the XIII century reached the Far East after a four-year voyage described in his memoir book “Milione” ... >

Itinerary for 3 days

Day 1 The morning of the first day can be dedicated to the Vatican to see the Basilica of Saint Peter with masterpieces by Michelangelo, Bernini, Canova, etc., but, above all, the Vatican Museums (it is ... >

A walk along the Quadrilatero district amidst Roman ruins and medieval buildings

Only a few traces remain today of the old Julia Augusta Taurinorum; for example, Porta Palatina is an exceptionally well-preserved example from the Roman age. A short distance away, along the corridors ... >

18th century, the golden century of art among festivals and fun

During the 18th century, the Venetian Republic lost its title of “Mistress of the Adriatic”: its naval power was only a memory and its role on the European chessboard was becoming increasingly ... >

Renaissance Rome

It is impossible to fathom seeing all the renaissance art of the city, heir-apparent of the most celebrated period of the fine arts, a period during which the popes of Rome commissioned some of the most ... >