Detail of mosaic floor in the apse
Guida Aquileia

- Location: Detail of mosaic floor in the apse
On the first floor of the Paleochristian Museum you can admire the mosaic of the apse of another large early Christian basilica that was located south of Aquileia. This area was known as "della Beligna", because it was probably built on a small temple dedicated to the god Beleno.Along the walls some portions of the geometric carpets of the naves are presented. They have inscriptions - in some cases made of glass tiles originally covered with gold leaf - with the names of the donors who contributed to the construction of the building. In the center of the room, on the floor, the tessellated of the apse of the basilica is exposed. You can admire the decorations with vine shoots, leaves and bunches, with some hanging containers. Among the branches are represented twelve lambs in different attitudes and numerous birds, among which a peacock in the left sector and a rooster in the right one stand out.