Apse Mosaics
San Giovanni, Esquilino, Monti

- Location: Apse Mosaics
- Date: 817 - 824
These were created under Pope Paschal I and the byzantine influence is clear. They are on three different walls: the triumphal arch with Christ, the Apostles, Moses, Elijah, Angels and the Elect; the arch of the apse with Symbols of the Evangelists, the Agnus Dei, the Seven Candelabras and the Twenty-Four Old Men of the Apocalypse; the main section of the apse with Christ and Saints Peter, Pudenziana, Diacono, Paul, Prassede and Paschal I. Above the figure of Jesus is the hand of the Holy Father, while the Pope, who commissioned the work, offers the Church of Santa Prassede to Christ. The Pope has the square halo above his head, typical of those living at the time of their depiction in a religious work.