Gentile , original name Niccolò di Giovanni di Massio (b. c. 1370, Fabriano, Papal States [Italy]—d. 1427, Rome), foremost painter of central Italy at the beginning of the 15th century, whose few surviving works are among the finest examples of the International Gothic style. An early signed work by Gentile has stylistic affinities with Lombard painting and suggests that he was trained in the Lombard school. In 1409 Gentile was commissioned to decorate the Doges’ Palace in Venice with historical frescoes, which were later completed by Il Pisanello. In 1414&ndash ...
Biographies of: Gentile da Fabriano
Biography: Gentile da Fabriano
Gentile , original name Niccolò di Giovanni di Massio (b. c. 1370, Fabriano, Papal States [Italy]—d. 1427, Rome), foremost painter of central Italy at the beginning of the 15th century, whose few surviving works are among the finest examples of the International Gothic style ...
See Also

Lorenzo Ghiberti
Florence 1378 · Florence 1455
Paolo Uccello
Pratovecchio 15/06/1397 · Florence 10/12/1475
Florence 1431 ca · Rome 04/02/1498
Masolino da Panicale
Panicale 1383 · Florence 1440 ca